Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Bunker

I was raised Catholic. I went to Catholic school from grade 1 through grade 12. Up until about the summer before my senior year of high school I went to church just about every Sunday. I was never really into church, but it catholicism has always been a part of my life, and thus there are a lot of things about it that I do believe in. That's not to say that I'm a practicing Catholic, but if I were pressed to identify a religious affiliation it would be Catholic.

Hell and the devil, integral parts of the Catholic religion, have always scared me...probably a little bit too much. I don't know why such an irrational fear of the devil exists in my head, but it is there. Let's be honest, the devil is not going to come up out of the ground and try to get me. And yet the fear exists. One would think that with such an irrational fear it would send me running to church every sunday and then some, but that is not the case. Short of weddings and funerals I rarely, if ever, go to church. I'm not even an A&P(ashes and palms)Catholic. Yet the fear persists, but at the same time I am FASCINATED and ENTHRALLED with works of fiction that involve the devil, evil, and all things scary. I read an entire Christian Book Series entitled, Left Behind, because it was about the end of the world. I could not get enough of it....there were twelve books in the series. It was a commitment. I love scary movies, and ones that involve the devil and the more plausible the blend of reality and the supernatural is, the more that I love it. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Angel...the list goes on. Supernatural shows suck me in.

Yet the devil continues to frighten me. As you can imagine I was not thrilled with the prospect of 6/6/06. I realize that it is actuall 6-6-2006, but the three sixes just did not leave me with a warm tingling feeling, and thus the idea of the bunker was born. A twenty-four hour period in which I would not leav the house. Two of my dear friends thought that it was a great idea, and signed up to do it with me. And another came and visited and spent a few hours with us. I love my friends. They indulge my completely irrational fears and notions. They are fantastic.

Of course nothing happened. It was a fun day. We chilled out and didn't do anything. It ended with my roommate bringing home a feast of Kentucy Fried Chicken...that's right...KFC. When it comes down to it, I would have left the house if the need arose. Most of the motivation behind this was to be whimsical and fun, but there was a part of me that liked the idea of not running around on 6/6/06. Completely irrational because if something that big were to happen it probably wouldn't have mattered if I was in my apartment, on the subway, standing in Times Square, or on the top of the Empire State Building.


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