Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Why I Love Coral.......

I have to admit that I have found the past couple of Real World/Road Rules Challenges a bit lackluster. I kept watching, and they have all had their moments, but there was something missing.

It was the superstars of Real World/Road Rules yesteryear. The seasoned vets who probably thought they needed to either retire or take a break from these challenges. You were wrong! Thankfully, with this latest edition, Fresh Meat we have the return of Tina, Tonya, Shane, Theo...but most importantly we have the return of Coral.

There is no Real World/Road Rules alum that I love more then Coral. She has penned such classic lines as....

"I don't wrestle, I beat bitches up."

"Worry about yourself, and your jump rope."

This morning before going to work I watched last night's edition of the challenge, and basically it seems the focus has moved onto the unraveling relationship of Wes and Johanna of the Real World: Austin. Basically, Wes treats Johanna like shit. She has been taking it. He says that she is the weakest player, and that she has no athletic ability.

Thankfully, Coral and Evan won this week's challenge. Of course they put in Wes and Casey. Why not get rid of these Austin people instead of their friends. I can dig it. The newbies are always the target. Maybe the next challenge they can all gang up on the Key Westers that invariably come onto the challenge. I mean you know John and Svetlana are READY to hit the airwaves again!

Wes then goes into a rampage threatening everyone with his wrath if they put Johanna into the elmination with him. They are not afraid of Wes, and have every intention of putting Johanna in. AS IF they are going to put Tina in. They are all friends with Tina. Wes then explodes at Johanna because she won't campaign against Tina. Normally, I would agree with Wes and think that Johanna should campaign, but in this case she is right. There is nothing that she can say to change these people's minds so she might as well except the inevitable. Wes, however, is a moron and just screams at her and calls her a moron...IN FRONT OF EVERYONE! NOT COOL!

We then cut to Coral talking about Wes:

"If you don't want your girlfriend sent into elimination, then tell the bitch to win something."

Coral breaks it down. Not the most clever line, but delieverd in that Coral fashion it is nothing but classic!

Johanna is sent into elimination, unless she wins the next challenge and can take herself out. Her and Wes aren't speaking. I think they may even be broken up. Now everyone is rooting for Johanna, and she wants to win. Not so much for the winning, but to beat Wes.

Do I think that these two are over for good? Of course not. They are so deliciously dysfunctional that they are going to of course find their way back to each other. If they are both sent into elimination then I hope that Johanna wins because I hate even looking at Wes. Something tells me, though, that Wes will once again emerge victorious.



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