Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Your Are Not Better Then Me......

Do you know what really aggrevates me?

Reading interviews with television stars who say either:

A. They don't watch television


B. They don't own a television.

If you are on a hit primetime television show or a daytime soap opera I can understand why you wouldn't have time to watch television. To say that there simply aren't enough hours in the day and so you don't watch television is perfectly acceptable. But that is not what is said. What is said is...."I don't watch television." as if they are too good to watch television. Yes, you do. You do too watch tv. And if you really don't then why are you on it. How are you going to act as if you are above watching television and then work in that genre. You aren't likening yourselves to the fan. I love television, and there are a lot of very well written and intelligent programs on it(there are also programs that are the exact opposite and they too serve their purpose). I'm not any less intelligent because I love television. don't own a television? Why not? Who doesn't own a televsion? Fine.... you don't watch TV, but don't you watch movies. Or the Oscars? Or the news???? Do you ever babysite? Your probably making a decent a tv, even if it is a small one.


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