Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Monday, December 05, 2005

The End of My Trip to NYC

The night before I left to come to LA in July was perhaps one of the most fun evenings that I had spent in NYC. It was bittersweet because even though I was having a wonderful last night out in NYC with my friends, it was becoming very real to me that after that evening I was going to be on a different coast then them. It was hard to completely give into the fun, because I was being gripped by the fear of picking up and starting over in a place that was completely foreign to me. Yeah, I could see how that would make me scared. But the night turned out to be the perfect night, because we stayed out way later then I had planned seeing as how I had a plane to catch. That night was truly an adventure, and apparently I'm making adventures on my last night in NYC a tradition.

I was going to sadly be departing NYC on the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend, so that meant that Saturday night we were going to hit the town and do it up right. Greg's boyfriend, Steve, was competing in a improv comedy competition at the Upright Citizen's Brigade so that was first stop of the evening. There was a lot of funny people there, but there were also a lot of people who were not very funny at all, and I have to admit that one of the times I was laughing the hardest was when Orlando's raucous laughter was spreading to the rest of us like wildfire. I don't even remember what he found so funny, but I do remember that he seemed to be the only one laughing which made the rest of us laugh. Unfortunately, Steve's team, who had been randomly picked from the audience and made it quite far in the competition, did not get to move onto the next round. Sad.

After that, Orlando, Kevin, and Monica wanted to get food so where did they decide was the best place to go? BBQ. Personally, I was not hungry and a bit of melancholy was falling over me because I was beginning to realize that the trip that had been so much fun was coming to an end. What is the best way to rectify this situation? Have a margarita. Originally I was just going to have a regular margarita. But somehow I managed to convince myself, I think that Sara and I convinced ourselves together :), that getting the Texas size was a good idea. Oh, and let's not forget the extra shot of tequila that they put in a little shot vile for you in the drink. When our drinks came everyone thought that it would be a good idea for us to do our shots of nasty cheap tequila. I poured mine in my drink. Tequila shots are VILE! I don't know when I became unable to do them, but there was a turning point...I think it might have been the night at Kettle of Fish that the tequila came out of my nose. That is a particularly unpleasant memory with tequila. Regardless, my senior year days of crazy amounts of tequila shots have long been over, and so instead it was poured into the drink and mixed around.

Those drinks are big enough as it is without adding an extra shot, but as I was drinking it I was thinking to myself that the drink wasn't getting my very drunk at all. Yeah right. I don't know who I was kidding because by the time I had finished the drink(Yes, I finished that entire monster of a drink) I was feeling that warm tipsy buzzed feeling. Sadly, Yas and Selda were departing the group and that meant that I had to say goodbye to them for this trip. It was very sad, but being able to see them was so great. It was exactly what I needed.

Greg, Sara, Orlando, Monica, Kevin, and I continued on to Excess, a gay bar that I had never been to. Jessica was supposed to meet up with us at various points in the evening, and at this point she said that she was on her way. Now when we arrived at Excess I had ten dollars left, and I decided that after having the gigantic margarita that one more drink was all that I was going to need to have a nice buzz for the rest of the evening. I got my last drink, as did Sara, and we all sat down. Let me tell you something, the waiter that was walking around was damn hot. I mean seriously. And you know what else kills me? I get the sense that he was actually a nice person. Damn hot and a nice person! Some people are just lucky I suppose! Although, I think it was probably a little bit cold to have him walking around in nothing but his underwear. But he was, and he looked damn good. I was drunk, so I was not complaining. Not that I would have been complaining had I been sober.

As we are sitting there, Orlando decides that he wants to have an Irish car bomb. Oh did I say that Orlando wanted to have an Irish car bomb, I'm sorry I mis spoke. Orlando wanted us all to have Irish car bombs. The one snag in his plan was that the bar seemed to be missing some ingredient so Orlando or the bartender, I'm not sure which one, came up with an alternative. Budweiser with a shot of amaretto dropped into it. Are you kidding me? It wasn't all that tasty, and I was unable to chug it. It just wasn't happening, but I did manage to drink most of it. That was essentially two more drinks. My last one wasn't so much my last one.

I was drunk, and then Jessica showed up! YAY! I was so happy! I hadn't seen her in such a long time so I am so glad that she was able to make it there, but she had been text messaging me saying that she was there but I didn't see her and the bar was not that big. I went out to smoke a cigarette with Sara, and then Jessica walked out of the bar. I am not sure how we missed each other in that bar, but it happened. Now that Jessica got there the evening started to get fuzzier because Jessica bought us YET ANOTHER drink. Yet another vodka tonic in my system. The more that we drank meant that it was time for more cigarettes, and when we went out there I wound up talking to a cute guy. I think that we were talking about Rent, but like I said things were a bit hazy, and I am pretty sure that he was cute. After we went back inside he went home, and I did get his phone number but he knew that I lived in LA so neither one of us really expected anything from it which is sad because had I met him while living there I would have called him to see what would have developed. Really? Who am I kidding? It would have turned out the same way all of my daliances with guys turn out. A week long drama that amounts to pretty much nothing. hahaha.

Now things start to get even hazier. I think that at this point it is like 3 in the morning. Orlando decides that we are going to go dancing at Spirit which is by his apartment. It wasn't that far from where we were, and being a bunch of intoxicated individuals we decided to walk. Except Jessica. One moment she was walking next to me and the next I saw her out of the corner of my eye bolting into a cab. I'm not exactly sure why. But I think that we talked to one another on the phone, and she said that she was on her way. I didn't see her for the rest of the evening. That was sort of comical if not sad that I didn't get to say goodbye to her.

When we got to Spirit they let us in, but when we got to the second door they tried to charge us thirty dollars. We turned right around, and I had to use the bathroom. They wanted me to pee on the street, and I am going to tell you all straight up that was not going to happen. I get pee shy. I can't even pee in urinals if there are other people around so peeing on the street was not going to happen. Sara and I went on a quest to find a bathroom, and we went to a deli and a garage and they directed us to a second deli that did have a bathroom, and we bound up buying vegetable samoas. They were damn good. It is sort of random drunken food, but they were tasty nonetheless. Then the people who were sitting next to us offered us their Nan because butter had been put on it. Being the hungry tipsy people that we were, we of course accepted, but there are two questions that arise from this situation. Why were we accepting food from random strangers in the middle of the night? And who puts butter on Nan? It was tasty, but who does that. I have never once heard of that. It seems like a random thing to do, and the people who were running the deli did that. Do people put butter on Nan? I have never heard of it, but if anyone has please let me know.

Sara and I met back up with Orlando, Kevin, and Monica and for some reason we went back to Orlando's, and lied down. God love my friends, they wanted me to stay another week, and as much as I wanted to I knew that I had to get back to work and all of that. I had to wake Sara up and get her into a cab that took us back to her apartment. It was 5am at this point. I then proceeded to sleep through the call that the car service gave me at 7am, but luckily I only overslept for like ten minutes.

I was still drunk and exhausted when I got on the plane, but it was well worth it because it was an incredibly fun night!


For a very long time I have been hearing about the Thanksgiving extravaganza some of my friends have each and every year, and since I have been tucked away here in Los Angeles I thought that it was the perfect year for me to join the Thanksgiving festivities at Yas's. I was by no means disappointed. It was one of the best Thanksgivings that I have ever spent. Yas, as always is an incredible hostess, and the food and the wine was flowing.

Yas made a wonderful thanksgiving dinner. She is someone who knows how to cook! And Orlando did a stupendous job with the turkey. There was also ham which is not thought of with thanksgiving traditionally, but why not. The ham was quite good as well. Plus, there was a table of desserts that were as wonderful to look at as they were to taste, but let me tell you something. I am raving and raving and raving about this food, and all of that raving is well deserved, but I feel like I am just now finishing digesting everything that I ate. I mean, honestly, I was gluttonous. There was no reason to eat all the food that I did, but it was all so delicious and I just could not let the day pass without trying every last dish that was on the table.

What did we do at 2am when we were cleaning everything up? Oh we had ourselves a bit of a snack. Even then I was still full, but the food was just so delicious that I could not resist eating some more of it. After we had eaten dinner, we played a hysterical game of celebrity. The rules aren't so important in this moment, but what is important is that while we were playing it was just a solid block of laughter!!!

Normally, I lace these posts with bits of humor and wild observations, but this post is completely serious. I spent a wonderful Thanksgiving with my wonderful friends in NYC who I miss so much, and I could not have asked for a better Thanksgiving!!!