Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Epic and Tragic Story of My Love Life...Part 2

The four of us are now at Mickey's, and after having spent about an hour and a half outside with Ricardo the crush that I had on him became official. It was funny because even though we were stuck outside of the club, and it was rather aggrevating I didn't completely mind it. I had a chance to get some get to know you time with Ricardo which wasn't such a bad thing. We all headed to the back of the bar to dance, and before I knew it of the four of us Ricardo and I were the only two dancing. Antonio and Ranise had flittered away. I have no idea where they were, but the two of us were there dancing. It is a tricky situation because at this point I had no idea what was going on inside Ricardo's head. I was beginning to think that maybe he might have a little thing for me as well, but God knows that I am not brave enough to act on one of these hunches. I'm not the make the first move kind of guy. I am the avert eye contact with the object of one's affection when the two of you are on the dance floor alone giving you the perfect opportunity to size up the situation. I never have been one to take advantage of situations like that.

Ranise and Antonio continue to go between the dance floor and the bar, but on one trip back Antonio comes without Ranise, and I saw this as a good opportunity to take Ranise outside and size up the situation only to find her in an intimage converstation with some guy. I thought perhaps she had found the only straight guy in the bar, but no it was just another gay. Not that I wanted to be rude, but the woman has enough homosexual men in her life, and she doesn't need to start making this a bi-coastal thing. Plus, this gay in her life needed to have a confab so that particular dude, as lovely as he may have been, was unfortunately out of luck in this situation. I dragged her outside to the patio, and before I could have much of any sort of conversation with her Ricarod and Antonio came outside. That shut me up very quickly. My moment to rant and rave about the situation had now been replaced with a moment of meaningless chit chat as we stood outside. We are all talking, and talking, and talking, and then I feel a hand on my back. There were a lot of people at this bar who were taking a lot of liberties with their hands, and I figued that the hand was going to rest their for a moment and then go away. No. The hand stayed where it was, and started to rub my back. I quickly realized that it was Ricardo's hand that was on my back. Ok......from the moment that this was happening I knew that Antonio was not going to like it.

This went on for about the whole time that we were in the bar, and once we decided to leave we headed to the Abbey which was down the street. Ranise had to use the bathroom, and even though it was verging on closing time there was still forty-five minutes or so left on the clock. We went in there, and the four of us sort of dispersed in the crowd for a moment. When I finally found Ranise at the bathroom, she told me that her and Ricardo had been checking out guys, and while the one that they were looking at was cute, he was not the kind of guy that Ricardo would bring home to his mother. With a lead in like that it was Ranise's duty to ask what type of guy he would bring home to mom. What was his answer to this question? was me. He said Brian. Ricardo went into the bathroom, and Ranise related this tale to me, and honestly I didn't know what to make of it. Was it a figurative tale or did it actually mean something? I've come to realize that as soon as I learn that someone actually may reciprocate feelings for me it immediately fizzles. But that is for later in the story.

Ranise went into the bathroom, and I went back to sit with Antonio. We are sitting there in pseudo silence, and I'm detecting a bit of tension in the air. Keep in mind that I am very conflicted in this whole situation because I know how Antonio feels about Ricardo, and I am not looking to step on anyone's toes or anything. But at the same time it was Ricardo who was making the moves, albeit smal ones, but moves nonetheless on me. Out of the blue, Antonio whips his head around to me, looks me straight in the eye, and tells me that he is no longer attracted to Ricardo effectivley breaking the silence. Honestly, I didn't know how to react because I knew that this was coming from thee fact that he was picking up on whatever it was that was going on between me and Ricardo at the moment. This just made me feel worse about the whole thing, but I knew that I needed to probe further into that statement. These types of things do not just come out of nowhere. I mean honestly. According to Antonio the reason that he no longer was attracted to Ricardo was because he wasn't a good dancer. He saw the manner in which Ricardo danced, and all manner of attraction that Antonio had for him went out the window. Are you kidding me? I didn't believe him for a second. I mean I realize that to some people being a good dancer is a very attractive quality, but the lack of fantastic dancing skills is not a reason to cease an attraction that had been so strong previously.

I just told him not to be so hasty with decisions like that knowing that it was not only completely ridiculous, but also completely false. However, at that particular moment Ranise and Ricardo returned so the conversation was put aside. As soon as Ranise sat down she shooed me away to get her a drink as if I were her personal valet, and she sent Ricardo off with me, who immediatley put his hands on my waist. These are small things, but they are clear signals. Everything that was going on was like an elephant in the room. Ricardo was making these small moves on me, I was clearly not pushing him away, and Antonio was making proclomation of his lack of attraction towards Ricardo but no one was talking about what it is that was occuring. Isn't denial fun?

We left the bar, and went to eat at a diner and Antonio was more exuberant then usual. He was talking up the waitress and all the other patrons in the bar. Meanwhile, Ricardo was grabbing my leg under the table and sending me text messages that I looked hot. was so Dawson-Joey-Pacey, without the depth and complexity of the relationships.....I had alwas pictured myself as the Dawson type but in this particular case I was thrust into the role of Pacey. There are worse Creek characters to be, and honestly didn't everyone want it to be Pacey's Creek anyway.

We left the diner, Ricardo and Antonio dropped me and Ranise off, and they were on their way. Ricardo sent me a text message telling me to have sweet dreams, and I was officially smitten even though I was feeling enormous guilt over being smitten and had no idea what to do with the whole thing. The next day, Ricardo and I texted and talked on the phone, and that continued for a couple of days and then nothing. On that Monday, Antonio asked me point blank if I liked Ricardo, and unable to deny it everything was on the table. Antonio spun a tale that he was fine with the whole thing, and I did sort of believe him or it more became that I wanted to believe him. But later that night, Antonio, in what I'm convinced was partly to make sure I knew about the situation and partly to dissuade me from pursuing Ricardo, informed that Ricardo was one to date multiple guys. I can't say that I'm neccesarily against that, but it seems like the other guys aren't usually aware of the existence of the others and to me that is sort of shady. I can't say that my attration was gone from that moment, but as much as I get frustrated when storylines get abruptly dropped and are never talked about again on my soaps that is exactly what happened in this situation. After that Monday night, I literally dropped the whole Ricardo thing.

Only two days earlier I had had such hope for the situation, but I quickly realized that it was never going to come together in the way that I wanted it to so I basically just closed the book on the situation. As a bit of a side note, Ricardo and Antonio have gone on to have a very on again off again on again off again relationship that is in a constant state of flux and I have no idea where it stands. Antonio's feelings weren't so turned off, Ricardo clearly had stronger feelings for Antonio then anyone was able to see, and I was the smartest one of all for taking myself out of the situation. Pats on my back all around....

However, that is not the end of this tale. It is only the end of that chapter...because on Wednesday of that week I finally went on my date with Dave......

The Epic and Tragic Story of My Love Life...

The fact that I am now putting this tale in my blog means that it is over and done with and nothing is going to happen with any of these guys in any way shape or form because if there was a chance for things to work out I wouldn't be eviscerating them in my blog. When I am in the throes of these stories I try to keep them out of the blog so that a guy that I may like doesn't stumble upon this, and read what I have to say about him. Granted, the chances of that happening are slim to none, but that slim leaves me a little nervous, and thus the stories stay out. Until now that is. Now that they have run their course, and if said individuals do stumble upon this blog then that is their problem.

The Tuesday before my birthday, I went to a gay mixer with Antonio and Ricardo. The name gay mixer sounds so odd. I don't even really know what it was for, but Antonio had asked me if I wanted to go and seeing as how my social calender isn't exactly busting at the seems these days I was more then happy to jump on that bandwagon. At first glance there really wasn't anyone there that I could forsee myself being interested in, but the evening went along, and I wound up meeting a guy named Dave. Antonio was telling some grandiose story, and being the smart ass that I can be at times I was making little side comments to myself and those within my earshot. Just to be clear, I wasn't making these side comments to be mean or some sort of bastard. I was just being humorous. I was not so much making fun of was more poking fun at him. It was all in good spirits. Regardless, Dave thought that I was very funny, and told me so. BTW for those of you out there, one of the surest way to get into my pants is to tell me that I am funny. I just love to hear that. You can tell me I'm funny and then immediately afterward call me hideous and the only thing I will remember is that you thought that I was funny. It is a quality I strive to have, and I think I do but when I get confirmation of it...well forget about. He wanted to give me his card, but he didn't have any on him, so instead I gave him my phone number. A good strategy if I say so myself....give the power to him. If this 35 year old man wanted to call me then I had no problem leaving all the power in his hands. Oh yeah...did I mention that he was 35 years old. Honestly, when I found that out I thought that he might be a little too old for me, but at the same time I too am getting older and I guess a ten year age difference isn't such a horrible thing, but it is my cut off. At least that is what I told myself.

To my shock, Dave actually did call me on Thursday night. That weekend happened to be my birthday weekend and Ranise was going to be in town, but I still had every intention of calling him back.

Some of you may have read some of the stuff that I posted about my birthday weekend, but there is definitley a subplot that I left out. I am not going to go into the whole birthday extravaganza again, but I will re-visit the parts that are relevant. Like I said earlier, Ricardo, Antonio, Ranise, and I had all gone out to dinner and then to a bar in which all sorts of unsavory fellows(with the exception of one or two) were thrust upon me. What I did not mention was that by the end of the evening I had a crush on Ricardo. I'm not sure where it came from, but all of a sudden it was there. Keep in mind, Antonio had made it very clear that he had feelings for Ricardo, and I think that Ricardo had feelings for him but I wasn't sure at the time. Ranise of course knew it right away, and I was already feeling gulity for having a crush on Ricardo when I knew that Antonio liked him. But it was there and there wasn't much that I could do about it except go on.

Saturday rolls around, and Ranise is hounding me to call Dave back. She kept going on about not putting all of my eggs in one basket. She was right of course, but at the time I didn't want to see any of it because I was fixated on Ricardo. That is where I had set my sights even though I had no reason to believe that there was any sort of reciprocity on his part. Ranise, however, did a good job of nagging me so ultimately I did call Dave and leave him a message before we all went out to the club that Antonio was running that evening. The club that Ricardo and I were forced to stand outside of because they would not let us in or even look at the list, and when we got to the front of the line they tried to charge us twenty dollars. If you want that whole tale, then you can go to the post about it, but what happened was that Ricardo, Ranise, Antonio, and myself wound up in the heart of West Hollywood at Mickey's.....and that is when things start to get interesting.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


So I randomly got onto a kick of finding out what my name means because of a conversation I was having with my friend Arlen, and this is what I came up with:

Strong, virtuous and honourable : Celtic

You are a visionary with courage and enthusiasm if a little hasty at times. Your ambitious nature can be satisfied when you apply wisdom, patience and self-discipline to your vitality and zest. You have wonderful way with words and may be drawn to the communications arena where there is the potential for great success. Your generous and warm nature attracts many friends and loved ones.


Friday, October 21, 2005

So this is strange....

I finally found a place that I could buy the skin care products that I like, and I discovered that it is also a salon that does waxing. The brows needed a wax, and let's be honest here-I wax my shoulders. There is unsightly hair there, not a lot but enought that I want to get rid of it, and so this was one stop shopping for me. Is that too much information? Well at least I don't have back hair. Now that skeeves me out. If I did have it I would certainly have to get it waxed, and I can't imagine that that is a pleasant experience! YIKES!

On Monday, I went and bought my skin care products and set up an appointment for today, Thursday, to get my waxing done. Wondeful. This afternoon I go there, and the same guy who took my appointment is the guy who was doing the waxing. Before we get started he turns to me and says that a friend of mine had come in on Wednesday looking for me. What? I hadn't even told anyone that I was going to be going there. He had to be mistaken. Apparently, a short chubby girl with curly blond hair wearing a leather jacket had come into the store asking, using my first and last name, if I had been there. I guess he had recognized my name from when I came in for the appointment. He said that he told her he didn't know what she was talking about, but who knows what he actually said to her.

Is that not strange? Is someone following me? Do I have a private investigator on my trail for reasons that I am unaware of? I literally didn't mention to anyone that I was going to that salon. I don't even know the name of it off hand. Plus, I don't know anyone who meets that description here in Los Angeles, and the only other people who I may have mentioned my waxing appointment to are my roommates. Neither one of them matches that description, neither does anyone they know here, and they wouldn't need to trail me to a skin care salon.

I don't really know what to make of that. I guess I will be on the lookout to see if anyone is trailing me.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Tizzy Tuesday

By this point in the week I am basically exhausted. Not only have I been waking up every morning at 6am to go to Barry's, but I have been working during the day with Jason, running around during the remainder of the day with Ranise, and ususally staying up late. But this was Ranise's last night in town so that meant that we were going to go out on the town and do it up right. So for the first time since I have been going to bootcamp, I decided that I would not go the next day so that I could stay out later. Little did I know at the time how wise of a decision that that actually was.

Antonio, Ranise, and I went to dinner which was a fairly uneventful if not enjoyable way to share a meal, and then went to RAGE to see the DreamGirls Review, a drag show. The drag show actually was a good time, but there was this really weird guy there named Kyle, and at one point he latched himself onto our little group, sat down with us, was putting the moves on me, ordered himself another drink, went to go to the bathroom, and then never came back. On our way out of the bar I found him in the front of the establishment writing what appeared to be gibberish on napkins with two other men in the bar. He then insisted that I give him a tight hug before I left. We were going to leave, but then they started to play Since You Been Gone, and so I had to stay and bop to that because God knows I love me some Kelly Clarkson. I was going to say another goodbye to Kyle, but he was too involved in his gibberish. It was so weird. I say a lot of things are weird, but I don't say this lightly. This guy was weird, and involved in some weird shenanigns and the more that I think about it the more that I realize that it was quite the blessing that he decided to simply walk away from me.

The next stop on our tour was Beige.....this was supposedly a place that was a mixture of gays and straights, but to this observor all I saw were pairs of the man to man variety. At this point I had zero desire to be out anymore. I was a little bit drunk, and a lot exhausted and Ranise and Antonio were basically DRAGGING me out. All I wanted to do was go home and go to bed. After going straight for five days or so I had nothing left in me to give. But I was forced to tap into the reserves and go into this bar. Ranise decides that she is going to tell Antonio that she wants to have sex before she leaves LA. To anyone who may meet Antonio please heed the warning that I'm going to impart to you. If you ever say anything to him, make sure it is something that you really want to happen or something that you really want someone else to know becaue he will make your dream a reality. This boy doesn't mess around. He knows how to get things done.

The cell phone that he attaches to he has attached to his ear was whipped out and he proceeded to call his brother. Antonio calls many people his brother, but they aren't actually his brothers. They are just individuals that he feels he shares some sort of special connection with. He doesn't beat around any bushes either. He simply called this dude up, and told him that he had a friend who wanted to have sex before she left for LA. If someone called me and told me that they had a friend who wanted to have sex before they left LA, I would have to tell them that I couldn't help them out. I would not be having sex with some random person that my friend delivers to my door, but that is just me. And it's not like I don't hook up with random guys that I bring home from bars. But I digress. The "brother" told Antonio to bring her on over. Of course Ranise was mortified by this, and wanted no part of it, but at the same time a part of her did want a part of it. Where was I in this whole debacle? Sitting down trying not to fall asleep, and averting the eye contact of some drunk man who was clearly interested in something other then having a conversation with me.

Ranise goes to the bar, and this woman comes back from the bar with two drinks. Why she thought as I was sitting on the bench nearly passing out from exhaustion that I needed more alcohol I do not know, but since Antonio does not drink and was driving that meant that this drink had to be for me. I was less then interested in the drink, and even less interested in the guy who continued to make eye contact with me, but eventually I was standing next to Antonio and the guy was standing right next to me just staring. I couldn't handle it anymore, so I turned and introduced myself. At least it would get rid of the creepy glares that this dude was giving me.

That was an incorret assumption. The creepy glares continued, the only difference now was that they were accompanied by words. He liked Kelly Clarkson. That was a plus in his book, but for the most part I wasn't very interested in what he had to say to me. Mostly because he just kept repeating the fact that I was cute. I like to be told that I'm cute, don't get me wrong. But if that is the only thing that you have to say because you are so drunk that it is the only sentence that your brain is able to form then there is going to be a serious lack of interest on my part.

Since it was now 2am, and the bar was closing, I tried to slip away and just give the guy a hug and probably never see him again. Antonio thought that it would be a good idea to ask him for his numbers. Why? I clearly didn't wnat it. Plus, he was so drunk that he was never going to remember giving it to me anyway.

In the car, Antonio decides the he is going to drive us to his "brother's house". We arrive, and perhaps one of the hottest italian men I have ever seen steps out of the apartment building in nothing but a pair of shorts. I could literally see the pool of drool that was forming on my lap. The sheer beauty of this straight boy was out of control. There was conversation and a lot of heming and hawing on Ranise's part, but you know what? She got out of the car and went into his apartment with him. Which of course meant that Brian wasn't going to be going to bed anytime soon, and to be perfectly honest that was all that I was thinking about at the moment. I should have been thinking that I don't really know Antonio that well, and I certainly don't know this dude that she is going off with, but at the moment my brain was clouded. That is what happens when you keep me going at warp speed for five days straight. At the same time, if Ranise didn't want to get out of the car and have sex with this guy then I was more then willing to. Not that he would want to have sex with me, but yes he was that hot.

We drive home, and we are not home for more then ten minutes when Ranise calls for us to come and pick her up. Antonio offered to go and pick her up without me. I was in no position to drive, but I was also not drunk enough to let someone go driving in my car without me there. With my luck he would have gotten in some sort of accident, and then all sorts of complications would ensue. I seem to find the complications in every situation so any chance to avoid them is an opportunity that I jump at.

We pick her up, and Ranise is sufficiently vague about what happened and normally I would interrogate, but my drooping eyes was making my interest wane.

Finally we arrived home......and Ranise was drunk and loud and insanity ensued, but not notable insanity, and finally we went to bed......unfortunately I had Antonio and Ranise in the bed with me so restful was not the word I would use to describe that sleep. But slumber parties are fun! :)

Saturday night......

Antonio invited Ranise and I to go to a GQ party that he had helped organize with him and Ricardo. Sounds great. Wonderful. Good Times. Ricardo and Antonio picked up Ranise and I, and when we arrived at the place Antonio got out of the car and took Ranise with him, leaving Ricardo and I to park the car. After we parked the car we were supposed to be able to walk up to the entrance of the club, and tell them that we were on the list. We were also not supposed to pay to enter.

The only part of this plan that actually went off the way that it was supposed to was the fact that we parked the car. Ricardo and I got to the front of the club, and were told that we had to wait in the line. These people were not interested in who we were with or what list we were on. Fine. So Antonio told us to come around back. Well the guards in the back entrance didn't want to let us in, even when Antonio came to the entrance. Sooooooooooo.....we proceeded to wait in line for over an hour after they let in hoochie mama after hoochie mama. The hooch was out in full effect that evening. The club was called the Garden of Eden, but a paradise it was not.

Finally Ricardo and I made it to the front after recieving multiple phone calls and text messages telling us to just push our way to the front, and tell them that we were on the list. No one seemed to understand that even if it were possible for us to get to the front of the line they didn't really seem to care who was on what list. We were two guys that didn't have any girls with us. Guys travelling together into a straight club isn't exactly the most desirable patrons to let in the door.

The two of us were frisked, and made it to the woman who was holding the clipboard, and when we tried to tell her what list we were on she simply waved us to the window and told us that she didn't have time to look on the list. What is it that she was doing, other then being annoying, that took up so much of her time that she was unable to look at the list? Oh and in case I forgot to mention this...her job was to look at the list. Maybe she was trying to stand there and look pretty? Trying would be the operative word.

Fine. the woman with the list doesn't want to deal with us so we thought we could tell the woman at the window that we were on a list and supposed to be comped. The woman at the window wasn't interested in a damn word that we had to say. She just kept saying twenty dollars to us. Yes that is how much it cost to get into a club that was hosting A GQ party that we later found out wasn't actually a GQ party. We had all been hoodwinked.

Needless to say Ricardo and I didn't pay the entrance fee. Antonio and Ranise left the bar...things were a bit dramatic for a bit, but all was smooted over and we went onto have a fun evening.

Moral of the story: I will not be returning to the Garden of Eden...the club...I don't know about the biblical one just yet. hehe

A Side Note...

The last post was supposed to have pictures, but for one reason or antother I can't get them to upload, and I'm sick of sitting here attempting to figure out the answer to a problem that I do not know how to solve so it looks as if in this particular instance my words are going to have to be enough.

The Birthday Continues.....

Once we had finished causing my temporary blindess at CPK we decided to go to a gay bar in Silver Lake, MJ's. It was an interesting place. There was quite a cross section of guys there, but it had a patio outside so that gave it a thumbs up in my book. I love bars that have outdoor patios, and since this is southern California a bar can have an outdoor patio 365 days a year.

We had managed to head towards the back of the patio when some very drunk man, a man whose name I do not remember, made his way towards us and told us how much he liked Ranise. He was very much into her breasts, but he also thought that I was cute. The man didn't know what the hell he wanted. Not a clue. He was vascillating between me and Ranise, the only problem was that neither one of us were interested. Antonio, however, had the bright idea of telling this man that it was my birthday and that he should give me a birthday kiss. Gross. Gross. Gross. He came in for the kill, and I didn't really know how to react, but I put the ki-bosh on it as quick as possible. He put down his drink on a table next to us, left, came back with another drink, stared at Ranise's breasts some more, then put down his second drink and left. He returned a few minutes later with a beer. I think that he must have forgotten that he had bought those drinks. Antonio then encouraged him to kiss me again, and he decided the best way to do that was to push me up against the wall and stick his tongue down my throat. I had never been so surprised by a kiss in my entire life, and as he attempted to fight me to get his tongue down my throat my eyes were open and I was just looking around wondering if this was really happening?

There then came a series of guys that for the most part I didn't want to kiss, but Antonio could not be dissuaded. There were two guys that I enjoyed of them was named Ward and the other was named Scott. But the rest of them just sort of sprung upon me. And yes I could have said no. I don't want to kiss anymore of these guys, but Antonio is nothing if not persistent and he made it his job to go around this bar and make sure that I was going to get my birthday kisses. Not only was he having these guys kiss me, but he was taking pictures of it. It was out of control, but anything that is a good story is always something that is worth doing.

I felt like a kissing whore. Coming down with Mono wouldn't exactly be the most surprising thing to happen to me at this point. Luckily, there were multiple guys who just wanted to kiss me on the cheek, and I was perfectly fine with that. Antonio and Ranise were enraged by the fact that some of these guys would only kiss me on the cheek, and as a matter of fact they deleted most of the pictures of guys kissing me on the cheek. But this is how I look at it. Yes, getting kissed on the cheek may not be the most exciting thing to happen, but it is still better then being devoured alive. Yes, that is a kiss that actually happened. You will see the picture.

Do not judge me for this. I'm not some kind of whore, but my lips were certainly chapped at the end of this evening. :)


I have been very remiss in keeping up with the blog these days, but I have finally found the time to sit down and write some posts. There are plenty of interesting things that have been happening, and I must continue to regail those of you out in cyberspace with my exploits.

Last Friday was my birthday, and Ranise came to visit which was very exciting. However, earlier in the week a part on my GPS system broke. It is an external part so they can send me a new one since I'm still under warranty, but of course it did not get here in time for my trip to the airport. I was forced to rely on mapquest which is notorious for giving wrong directions, and directing you down streets that do not exist. That's really helpful. Perhaps Mapquest should look into that and oh I don't know...update their system. Maybe get some new maps in there. People are using that site all the time you would think that they would want it to be reliable. I did, but apparently I was wrong. This was my first trip to the airport without my GPS system. Earlier in the week I had been nervous about it, but I had been finding my way around LA for about a week without the damn thing so I wasn't all that concerned anymore. Don't get me wrong i wanted the GPS system, but there was nothing that could be done about it so why dwell. As it turned out I was more then capable of getting to the airport. Keep in mind that I said that I was more then capable of GETTING to the airport. We are not in the homestretch just yet.

Of course when I get to the airport I discover that Ranise's plane is going to be around forty-five minutes late. Are you kidding me? This is when it sucks to be perpetually early because you suffer the consequences of the fact that most of the world is usually running late. Of all places to have to sit around and wait, the airport is probably the last place that anyone would want to be. It is incredibly boring, and the only thing for me to do was smoke. Luckily, we live in the age of cell phones and I was able to catch up on some of my calls.

Ranise finally arrived, and we started on our trip home. This is when things start to get a little hairy. You see when you are trying to follow directions that are incorrect it doesn't matter how many times you drive up and down Sepulveda looking for the entrance to the freeway if the entrance to the freeway isn't on Sepulveda. I mean honestly. Perhaps mapquest could take that into account next time. Perhaps I wouldn't have to spend two and a half to three hours getting home on a trip that should take no more then forty-five minutes or so. I left for the airport at 2:30 or so and I didn't get home until after 8. I was tired. My roommates had already eaten dinner, as I instructed them too because there was no sense in them being hungry just because it was my birthday, and I was beginning to feel light headed I was so hungry. Thankfully when we stopped at the gas station to ask how to get to the freeway Ranse bought some cheetos. Yes, that is the meal of champions. So chock full of nutrients. YUM....processed cheese.

But we still did have to eat! My new LA friends, Antonio and Ricardo, decided that they were going to take me to the California Pizza Kitchen. It was really nice that they wanted to celebrate my birthday with me, especially since I had only known them for a week, but I must admit that it does feel like I have known them for longer then I actually have. So Ricarod came and picked us up and Ranise and I piled in the car on our way to CPK. It was a lovely dinner, until that fateful moment.

Antonio had orderd kung-pow shrimp. This is not a meal that is known for being bland. It is quite spicy as a matter of fact. It is not something that I would ever order even though my tastebuds are finding it easier to tolerate hotter foods these days. I see no reason to put myself throught that when there is a menu that is chock full of things that are delicious and not going to result in me breathing fire. All of our food was quite good, and I had a couple of drinks in me so I was forgetting all about the frustration of my hours and hours in the car. All of a sudden I feel this liquid in my eye.....and then a burning sensation like I had never felt before. It literally felt like someon had dipped my eye into fire and then put it back into its socket. Antonio had been futzing with his shrimp...trying to de-shell it or something, and as he succesfully completed his mission the kung-pow from the shrimp took flight and landed in my eye.

I will admit that I may have been a bit dramatic about it and that might have been the reason why everyone else at the table was at hysterics as I was squirming around in my seat, and continued to be in hysterics when I returned from putting water on my eye in the bathroom. I have been known to be dramatic once or twice in my life....but there was some serious pain that resulted from that stuff in my eye. It is spicy, and not meant to go into one's eyes. Honestly, I think most people would have the same reaction as me. I have no shame in the fact that I was squealing in pain. You try it and then tell me how it feels.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The things that we talk about to entertain ourselves...

I'm going to post bits of a conversation that I had with a friend over instant messenger. Seriously......we were chatting about these things as if people have these conversations everyday over coffee.....oh how I enjoy the oddities in my personality. I am going to change the screennames to one letter standins to protect the sanctity of our instant messenger accounts. I get enough random ims from people telling me to come and watch them get naked on their webcam. I don't need anymore of those. Seriously. I am very funny friend is A. Enjoy!

B: LA is going to fire me? haha
A: and nyc is going to fire me
A: no i really want to leave
B: new york?
A: yes
A: all of it
A: i want to be a drifter
B: a drifter? that would get old.
A: no
A: fleas yes
A: no respons would beawesome
B: hahahaha. you should find a job where you have to travel a lot.
A: whore
B: whores don't travel all that much. they usually stay confined to where they are.
A: trucker whores
B: they still probably stay at a particular truck stop, and the truckers come to them.
A: no they go from stop to stop
B: really? that seems inefficient.
A: i dunno
B: well perhaps a flight attendant.
B: that seems more reputable.
A: oh thats a good one
B: and probably more profitable.
B: and you would travel, but you could make your home wherever you choose.
A: but i do heart health insurance
A: i do like a cockpit

Later on in the conversation....

A: i cant comitt
A: at least thats what my exs say
B: committing to an endevaear is different then committing to a person.
A: no
B: well to me it is.
A: i only get commited
A: it would be great
B: to be committed?
A: yes
B: i dont think that you would enjoy that so much.
A: why
A: just for a month or two
B: that's a spa or a rehab...not an insane asylum!
A: rehad
B: you don't want to be in a mental hospital.
A: thats what i need
B: no you don't.
B: go to a spa.
A: why not
A: so expensive
B: are you an addict of some sort?
B: so is rehab.
A: yes
A: to work
B: there is no rehab for that.
A: ill start one
B: it would be just as expensive as a spa. just go to a spa.
A: no the state can pay for it
B: why would they do that? every person would be in it.
B: can i put this conversation in my blog?
A: sure
A: man now people nationally are going to know im nuts
A: sweet it will strengthen my case
B: no they won't. they won;t know who you are.
A: They will know
A: wow ihave never been in a blog before
A: its like losing your v-tag all over again