Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Fear and Loathing in The Movie Theater

I went to see Walk the Line today. Much like Cinderella Man, it was a movie that I didn't initially want to see, but once it had been viewed by these eyes it became one of my favorite movies of 2005. I found it to be quite mesmerizing. Joaquin phoenix and Reese Witherspoon were great. I love that Reese Witherspoon. She has quite the range as an actress. She can do the serious dramatic roles, and the frothy romantic comedies that I love so much.

You may be thinking to yourself that I'm going to extol to you the virtues of the movie Walk The Line, and while that would be the predictable route I am actually going to tell you about a little something that happened before the movie began. For some reason the whole morning I had been craving Coke. This isn't exactly a new thing. I have an addiction to the sugary sweet delicious drink. I went to the concession stand, that had a lot of people milling about but no one actually buying anything. I mean what were these people doing. Why were they just standing there not really talking to anyone or looking at anything. There was just hardcore milling. You know what else? I think I just abandoned a sentence in midstream and went off on the milling tangent.

I'm bringing it back. So you know how they often will have movies in the middle of the day in which mothers, or I guess fathers too, can bring their babies with them so that they can continue to see the wonderful cinematic masterpieces that Hollywood brings to us weekly. As I am standing at the concession stand, ordering my Coke, I turn to see a herd of women, and some men, with baby carriages and babies in their arms. Dear Lord....did I just buy a ticket to a baby friendly movie? I don't have anything against babies, but I don't want to see a movie with a theater that is full of them. I am all for the institution of allowing mothers and fathers with small children to come to the movies in a baby friendly theater, but the theater needs to advertise to patrons that are baby free which showings of which movies are going to be baby friendly.

In the end, however, I think it was a showing of Rent that was baby friendly. Whatever it was, it was not the 1:40pm showing of Walk the Line that was surprisngly full.....apparently LA is the city of people who work at weird hours. I guess that makes sense with all of the actors and what not running about.

The moral of the story is, have baby friendly showings of blockbuster films, but advertise the films and times that are going to be that for those of us who do not have babies.

That was a random thought, but you all of the re-telling of my exploits in NYC to look forward to. Here is just a little tidbit of what went down...."Have another giggles today...."

Monday, November 14, 2005

And Another Thing....

I decided to call Johnny last night, and when I did I got a message that said that this user is not accepting calls at this time. What does that mean? Was I blocked? Was everyone blocked? Has anyone ever gotten that message before because it certainly was a first for me? Is it even his number?

I don't know if he should get another call, but I'm leaning towards no. It doesn't seem to be a good idea. Who knows.

And yet another thing....

I have been so bad with the proofreading. By the time I am finished writing these posts I am so eager to get them up, that I don't proof them. I really must start doing that.

Drama Drama Drama...unexpected third chapter....

Sunday rolled around, and I really just chalked up the previous evening to a fun little adventure. I was contemplating calling Johnny to see if the number that he had give me was real or not, but it wasn't a priority. It was a situation where I would be perfectly happy to go out with him and see if something more could happen or he could simply be someone that I made out with in a bar. Either one was fine with me.

The day went by. It was a fine day, and then I started to have a phone conversation with Antonio. My blood boils even thinking about this. Honestly. He was droning on and on about this and that, but then we started to talk about the previous evening. I am more then happy to listen to Antonio talk about the same things over and over. IF he feels the need to talk at someone with these problems then fine. I can sit there on the phone with him for a little while, but when he starts to attack me. That isn't going to go over so well. According to him, Johhny was soooooooooooooo into him and I have a problem with honing in on guys that are for Antonio when I start to drink. Of course this was a refrence to Johnny, and that guy from the night that he opened his "club" who wanted nothing to do with Antoion, but liked me.

Johnny was for him? Really? Antonio is the one that is always saying that he only dates one person at a time, and the guy that he was dating that night was apparently so wonderful. How is Johnny for him if he is already dating someone? Apparently Johnny was so into him, and couldn't stop telling Wendy that on Sunday. Somehow I doubt that. Johnny did tell Antonio that he was a great guy, and did kiss him on the cheek a couple of times. THat is very true, and when Antonio pointed that out I didn't argue. But Johnny was grabbing my hand, and putting his arm around my waist, and telling me not to leave, and taking me upstairs where we are to make out. In this scenario why am I supposed to think that Johnny is into Antonio, who has already proclaimed over and over that he has someone that he is dating and had shown nothing but annoyance at Johnny. Yet according to Antonio I moved in on his territory. I think he just doesn't like it when guys like me over him. That is what it seems like to me. Maybe Johnny liked us both....who knows. But I would have to have been psychic to realize...I don't even know what I am supposed to realize.

That angered me...but then Antonio has the nerve to tell me that I have a drinking problem because I can't go to a bar and not drink. WHAT?!?!?!? I told him that we didn't need to talk anymore after that. He was trying to manipulate me into thinking that there is something wrong with me just because Johnny and I kissed. That is bs. I haven't gone out in like two weeks or so. The last couple of times I went out I have had one drink, and that was it. I don't keep any alcohol in the house. Does this sound like a person with a drinking problem?

I don't know where Antonio got off saying those things to me, but for the time being that is the end of that. I don't really know what he wanted from the previous evening, but since it went down in a manner that was against Antonio's liking he choose to try to tell me that I had a drinking problem. No. No. No.

He sent me a text message to apologize, but I need to cool off from this situation because that is not cool. You don't throw that sort of thing around, especially when it is the farthest thing from the truth.

Drama Drama Drama Part 2

After a while of making out we went downstairs. I don't really know why we stopped making out or what was so important about us going downstairs, but we did. Johnny's friends were leaving, and were going to take Antonio to his boyfriend's house. At least that is what Antonio called him. If someone else called this dude his boyfriend then Antonio would say that they were only dating. They are broken up now. Antonio has these mini-dramas with these guys that don't need to be dramas at all. It comes off as if they are ending these grand romances, when acutally they had been dating for like a week. At least when I end things with a guy it is usually more with a whimper...which is usually what a week long relationship deserves. There are the occasional end with a bang week long relationships, but should that really be your pattern? It sounds too emotionally draining.

That was a bit of a tangent. Antonio had been ready to leave the bar since basically I had gotten there which I think was only a few minutes after he had gotten there, but now that Wendy and Johnny and company were leaving Antonio had a ride because one of their friends had been staying sober to least that is what they told me. I probably still wouldn't have gotten in the car with them. You never know what people consider sober. Especially here. People in LA seem to be under the impression that they can drive drunk, and that its ok. At least a lot of the ones that I have met do. I make my disagreement with that statement known each time.

You see the reason that these people were bringing Antonio to his whatever's house is because I wouldn't drive him. I guess I had been about halfway through my second drink when Antonio asked me if I would drive him to this guy's house. I was in no mood to drive anywhere to begin with, but besides that I had just had basically two drinks and was getting ready for the third. I had no buisness behind the wheel of a car, but Antonio actually tried to convince me that it would be fine. He would drive my car to this guy's house, and then I could drive myself home. I had just had two strong drinks. That wasn't goinng to be wearing off for a while, and by the time it did I would hopefully be fast asleep. Driving was not in store for me on this particular evening, and this moron actually tried to get me to do it. I was having NONE OF IT!

So Johnny and I reach the exit to the bar, and his friend was there. His friend actually seemed very sweet. He was trying to look out for his friend. I think that he thought that I was lecherous or something. I am the farthest thing from a threat to the boy, but his friend didn't know that and I would react the same way. I got my friends backs so that only proved to me that there are people in LA who know how to be a friend. This had been a fairly good evening, but this is where it took a turn onto Sketchy Lane.

Johnny and I walked to the exit, and his friend was still there, and I was like so you want to give me your number. I don't think that he was going to ask for mine. I should have taken that as clue number one, but I was drunk so whatever. He gave me the number, and it ended in a 24, but his friend who was behind him kept saying 84. What? What? What? I was most definitley picking up on that. Was he giving me a fake number? What is that? He claimed that it was a real number, but I was leery. We made out in front of the bar a bit more, and I told him that I would call him. He headed in one direction to go to the car, and I went in the other direction towards my house.

The next thing I know I'm getting a call from Antonio, and I'm not exactly sure why he called me but what I gathered from the phone call that Johhny was there freaking out over the fact that he thought that i had herpes. Why did he think I have herpes you may ask yourself? Because god damn Antonio told that fricking story about me making out with seventeen guys on my birthday. He so misrepresents that story. There were only like two guys who I actually made out made out with. For the most part I was attempting to avoid them, because most of them were gross. But Johnny had gotten into his head that I had herpes, because there had been jokes about it when the story had been told. In his drunken state he was confusing everything I guess. Not only am I drunk, but I am now pissed and drunk. The record had to be set straight. I went back to where they had parked, and Johhny was getting in the car and I went over to him to explain how you know I didn't have herpes and all that fun stuff. What does Antonio do? He gets in front of me....block my path to Johnny who now gets in the car, and tells me to be on my way. Are you kidding me? Had I just been dismissed? What the f!

Being drunk, however, I wasn't really able to put up much of a fight. I then proceeded to start walking home, called Antonio to tell him how pissed I was at the situation and I didn't realize this at the time but at him as well, but he wasn't even trying to hear what I had to say. He was in the midst of his own drama. Shocking. About twenty minutes later, I called Johnny.....this was a stupid thing to do I realize, but I was drunk so I give myself a pass. Not to say that it was any less humiliating, but sometimes when you are drunk you don't make the best phoen call decisions. I didn't actually get Johnny...I got a could have been or it might not have been, and if it wasn't him then someone is going to be laughing a lot at the voicemail of a pissed off drunk gay man extolling the fact that he doesn't have herpes and then stating how cute Johhny is and giving him my phone number. All in one message. I most definitley was under the influence of vodka.

Then the night evolved into a ridiculous montage of me giving two girls on the street a cigarette and learning that they two had moved here from the East Coast over the summer, and they two hated LA more then any other place in the world and desperately missed NYC! :)

After leaving them, I got home went inside and was about to get into bed when I decided that I wanted to go outside, smoke another cigarette, and call people. Yes I made the concious decision to make drunk phone calls. I rationalized it to myself by caling only people who I thought might be up! The one small problem in this whole equation is that it was 2:30 in the morning...on a Sunday....that would make it 5:30 in the morning East Coast time. Who the hell is going to be up? I mean honestly. What lucky souls did I deem to be up all nighters? Two of my friends from high school, Erin and Kevin(although I have to admit that there was probably a chance that he might have actually been up, and my cousin Victoria...that one had stemmed from an im conversation that we had in which we expressed our desire to keep in touch better. Probably not the best time to follow through on that.

No one answered, of course. Erin called me the next day, but I have yet to hear from Kevin and Victoria which I find strange. If someone leaves you a rambling, semi-incoherent message at 2:30/5:30 in the morning might you not want to call them back and find out what precipitated the need? Apparently they are not curious people. I would not be able to resist.

Drama Drama Drama

I'm not even kidding with you either. This was some serious drama. It was fleeting drama, but it was some drama nonetheless. I did have plans for this Saturday evening. I was going to a comedy show with the roomies, and then I was going to come home and just chill out, but then Antonio called me. I should start to put together that every time I head out on an excursion with Antonio it leads to some sort of drama in my life, but apparently I'm very short sighted at times. He invited me to go to the Abby with him and some friends. I hadn't been out in a long time. I mean I was very much into the idea of going out to a bar, having a few drinks, maybe getting hit on a by a cute boy, perhaps even make out with I said yes. The comedy show and the hitting the WEHO bar timed out perfectly.

Suzanne Westenhofer, the comedian that we went to see, was very funny. Tara, Steph, and I got home and then I headed out to meet Antonio and his friends at the Abby. The Abby is a cool place I must say. It's indoors and outdoors all at once. Everything sort of bleeds into one another. They play good music, and after Saturday night I can firmly attest to the fact that they make very very good drinks. Without even realizing it, I was buying my vodka tonics with grey goose vodka. Grey Goose Vodka goes down very smoothly. I was sucking those things down. Even I was beginning to wonder why I was drinking them so quickly. To put your minds at east I only had about two and a half drinks. But they were strong. (Just a quick side note-I live within walking distance to the gay bars of West Hollywood so I was not going to be behind the wheel of any type of vehicle so I was free to get a little tipsy and not have to worry about getting home because my two stumbling feet would be able to get me there!)

I was getting ahead of myself. I met Antonio's friends and they all seemed very cool. Granted most of the time that I spent with them we were all drunk. They were definitley fun in the bar, but I have no idea what they would be like outside that realm. They could be very lovely, who knows. There were four people there with Antonio, but two of them have names that are eluding me because they just kept disappearing. I have no idea where it is that they were. But the other two have names that are the fore of my mind. Wendy and Johnny. Wendy was an interesting girl. She is definitley a party girl. She seems like she loves to have a good time, and she is not shy in the least. Every guy that walked past her she asked them if they were gay or not. Most of them were since ya know we were in a gay bar, but there were a couple who were straight believe it or not. She honed in on them. The straight ones were pretty hot actually. And they seemed straight. They were stiff and kind of out of place. I have no problem with straight guys going to gay bars, but if your going to be that uncomfortable then what is the point. I can't imagine that there is anything that would demand your presence there. Maybe a gay friend...but even then....who knows.

Johnny drunk was another story all together. He was loud, and a little bit out of control, but not in a completely annoying way. It was sort of cute. I could be saying this because most of the time I spent with him was spent intoxicated, but who knows. Antonio didn't seem to be amused by him in the slightest, but Antonio doesn't seem to be amused by much that takes attention away from him. As the evening progressed Johnny and I started to flirt. He was grabbing my back, and we were holding hands, and doing that close talking thing. You all know what it is. We have all done the flirting thing. But one moment he was telling me that I was cute, and he didn't understand why I wanted to spend time with him because he is never anyone's type, and the next minute when I am telling him that he too is cute he is getting all up in arms over the fact that telling someone that they are cute is something that you tell dogs and cats. What? Does that make me his pet because he seemed very sincere when he was telling me that I was cute. Apparently sincere these days means drunk.

He was definitley starting to act strange, and I wasn't interested in his weirdness so I told him that I was going to head out. When I did that his tune changed a bit. We were standing there with his friend whose name I can't remember, and Johnny turned to his friend and asked him if he would mind if we went off alone for a bit. Honestly, I don't know what his friend said but the next thing I knew I was being led to an upstairs part of this bar. It was a massive bar. There was some more close talking, and he asked me when was the last time that I had a boyfriend. Being drunk I had to think about that one because it has been that long since there has been a guy who has wanted to stay around for longer then a drunken night. I know I told him years, I just don't know how many years I told him. It was close enough. It got the point across. Since we were doing the question thing I asked him if I could kiss him. He said yes, and then we pecked on the lips. Not what I had in mind, and I made that known which led to us making out. He was really insecure about his abilities as a kisser, but he was a good kisser. He kept telling me that he was probably doing it wrong, which he wasn't. I'm so unbelievably insecure with guys, that when a guy is insecure around me I find that to be absolutely irresistible. How ridiculous am I!


I think that I might start to do some's a thought that I am going to research. Can you imagine my shenanigans as related through my own voice all over the internet? I'm telling you that would be some funny stuff, because sometimes something can be so much funnier with the right inflection.

More on that later, but I expect all of my faithful readers to become my faithful listeners as well....this may not be until the new year, but rest assured that it is in the works! :)

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Road Safety Construction Equipment...

The spam comments on my blog are getting out of control. Out of control and odd. Within minutes of posting a new entry, I have these random comments that are basically the equivalent of spam email.

Road Safety Construction Equipment?

Road Repair?

Why are they even spamming me with these things? Spam just gets stranger and stranger. At least I could understand why they innundate people with spam for viagra and porn....but road safety construction equipment?

These spammers are getting lazy and boring.

If LA were a puzzle....

Where am I going with this one you may be asking yourself....

If LA were a puzzle, then I would be the piece that doesn't fit. I was put into the wrong package, and now trying to get me to fit into the puzzle is causing nothing but frustration.

You know what, though? I don't think that I want to fit into this puzzle.


Yet Another Reason That I Hate Cars...

This happened about two weeks ago. I was driving home from Best Buy. I was going about twenty miles an hour. All of a sudden the car starts to swerve out of contro, and I'm up on one of those islands in the middle of the road. I manage to get the car back onto the road, and into a parking lot. Luckily, there were no other cars around so there was no damage to anyone but me. Plus. I wasn't hurt. Just annoyed. I had no idea why the car decided to jump up on the island.

Now I was stuck with two flat tires. I had to have someone come and tow me to a local auto repair shop, and as it turned out all he had to do was put the spare onto one of the tires, and I was able to drive it down the road. According to the repairman, they think that I hit a small rock and that made me lose control. A small rock? really? Damn small rocks. Within a day the price of repair went from $100 to $410.....this was such an unneccesary expense that it is not even funny!

Add that to the list of reasons why I hate to drive.

The Epic and Tragic Story of My Love Life...Part 4

Tuesday of the next week was the day of my next date with Dave. But that never happened. Dave called me on Tuesday morning to say that he was sick, and that he didn't think that he was going to be able to make it. Hmmm....the red flags were already starting to go up, but when we re-schedueled for Friday night, and he suggested that I give him a call that night to see how he was doing I decided I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, and perhaps he actually was sick. If I were sick, I wouldn't want to go out on a date either.

I did call him that night, and we had a really great conversation. We talked for like an hour. Now if he wanted to give me the brush off then I don't think that he would have either reschedueled the date, talked to me on the phone for an hour, or made several sexual innuendos on the phone with me. My favorite of which was, and when I say favorite I mean in the sense of trying to stifle laughter when talking to him not getting sexually aroused by it, was when he suggested that on Friday night I come over to his house and try and see if I get cell phone reception in his every room of the apartment. Apparently he doesn't get reception, and I said that when I was there I got reception and suggested that he switch to Verizon. However, when he started talking about me trying the reception in every room of the house combined with the tone of his voice and the direction that the conversation had been headed in I was led to believe that we were no longer talking about the wonder that is Verizon Wireless.

I got off the telephone confident in what was going on. However, when I was leaving my writing class on Thursday night I got a message from Dave saying that he was not feeling any better. He was now on antibiotics, and wanted to rescheduel our date again for next week. Ok...fine. Now on one hand if this were a lie it is far too elaborate, and if he wanted to simply not see me anymore he could either quit reschedueling the dates or simply ignore my calls. So even though I was starting to grow suspicious of the whole situation, I decided that I was going to give him yet another chance.

Over the weekend, I went to yet another party that Antonio was throwing. This time I got in, but there weren't very many people there and the roomies were tired and had to get up early the next morning so I relieved them of their duties of coming with me, but that meant that I was there by myself. Of course I started to make phone calls even though it was like 1am in NYC. I knew the night owls to call...particularly on a Saturday night. While I was on the phone there was this cute guy who kept walking past me and smiling, and since nothing else was happening at the party I figured it would be worth at least talking to the guy. The blip that this dude was in my life, I am not even going to name him in this post. He is just going to be called guy. That, and I don't really want to remember him because of the ridiculousness of the whole situation.

The guy and I actually seemed to hit it off a bit, until I found out that he was brought here by a friend of Antonio's so that she could set up the guy with Antonio. Are you kidding me? Have I gotten myself into this situation again? Antonio immediatley saw what was going on, and told me that he was moving in for the kill on this guy which left me sort of conflicted because things between us had already started. I didn't move in knowing that he was there for Antonio, but the two of them hadn't even been introduced yet so I was kind of annoyed at Antonio because he didn't even know the dude yet, and he was still embroiled in all of his nonsense with Ricardo. Nonetheless, I decided to try to stay away from the guy so as not incur the wrath that is Antonio. The story now takes on a bit of twists and turns. The guy really wasn't interested in Antonio, and even though Antonio was trying to thrust himself upon the guy, the guy was not having any of it.

Meanwhile, the guy kept coming over to me and trying to dance with me, and put his hands all over me, and I was just trying to keep myself out of the situation so as not to cause any problems. I really wasn't looking for any drama. To remove myself from the situation, I went to the bathroom. The guy followed me to the bathroom, threw me up agains the wall, and started to make out with me. For a moment I went with it, but pushed him away and told him that we couldn't do any of this because I was just trying to avoid a dramatic situation that would just hurt people's feelings. The guy kept insisting that he didn't have any interest in Antonio, but I was still conflicted about the whole thing.

I went out to the patio to have a cigarette, and the guy followed me out there, and soon after Antonio was out there. Awkward is not the word for the situation. I literally wanted to run. The guy's friend then comes running out and says that her friend, who was there as well, had just recieved a call from her mother informing her that her grandfather had just had a heart attack and was going in for triple bypass surgery so the guy's friend was going to bring her friend home. The guy, the guy's friend, the friend of the guy's friend, and Antonio all went to the cars. Antonio and the guy were going to return, but I decided it would be best if I just stayed where I was.

When the guy finally returns, he not only tells me that Antonio had thrust him up against a wall outside in an attempt to make out with him, but the whole story about the grandfather was made up so that they could leave. Are you kidding me? That is a messed up story to create. Who was stopping them from leaving? As for the other part of the story, who knew what was going on, but needless to say Antonio was pissed because he was not only being rejected but I was getting the attention of the guy tht he wanted attention from.

Ricardo came to pick Antonio up, and then it was just me and the guy. Since the guy didn't have a ride home, I made the mistake of offering to take him there which was fairly close to where we were. I took him home, and of course went inside with him. We hooked up, and I felt incredibly guilty about it, but at the same time I didn't. I was very conflicted, and as soon as the whole thing was over I just wanted to be out of there. It wasn't one of my wiser moves because not only did I regret it after it happened but I am then informed that the dude was 19 years old! WHAT! That sort of thing so does not enter my mind when someone is in a bar that cards and they are drinking. I had assumed that he was my age. Stupid assumption. It changed everything. First of all I am sick of being decieved about how old people are, secondly I wasn't interested in dating a nineteen year old, and third of all it made me see more clearly that i would like to see if something could happen with Dave. Now we had only gone out on one date, so it's not like I was cheating on him or anything, especialy since he kept cancelling dates, but it just put things in perspective for me.

The next morning I talked to Antonio, and he basically told me that he was pissed at me, but he and Ricardo had decided to give the dating thing a try again. I am not exactly sure what he was pissed about. He was pissed because the guy didn't like him. The guy and I met one another before he even knew Antonio existed, and Antonio told me he didn't find the guy to be that cute anyway. Was this all out of spite? I didn't really understand then why he was making a whole drama about me and the guy liking each other. And the fact that he turned out to be nineteen just made the whole situation worse. Frankly, I had wished I had stayed home and watched a movie that night.

The guy was now stricken from my life, and I continued to feel guilty about that situation with Antonio because I really try to do the right thing, but I was also sort of angry because Antonio basically told me that he stopped the situation just because he could. What is that about? If he didn't even really want the guy, then why was he putting people through nonsense.

Wednesday rolls around, and Dave and I have finally managed to set a lunch date. We go to lunch, and that same ease is there, and there is that same chemistry. In the moment I didn't notice anything different, but in hindsight I guess I can now see that there was a different energy on Dave's part. They do say hindsight is twenty-twenty. The lunch goes splendidly...I offer to pay since Dave paid last time. Dave drives me home...we get into my driveway....and Dave tells me that he thinks that we should just be friends. He isn't feeling the dating vibe anymore. WHAT?!?! Why did we need to go to lunch for you to tell me that, and why didn't you tell me that at lunch so I didn't offer to pay for a lunch that was essentially being used to dump me, for lack of a better word. Yeah. Clearly, I didn't show him that side of my anger. I just said that it was cool. He said something about calling me to hang out, which I'm not holding my breath for, and we parted ways. I was not devestated by this by any means. I was a little disappointed, but it wasn't something that was going to make me sad in the slightest. The worst part about it was that I paid for the lunch!

Now my love life is quiet. There are no prospects, and nothig is going on. I have to say that I am fine with that for a little while. After that month of nonsense it won't be such a bad thing to not have to worry about drama!

The Epic and Tragic Story of My Love Life...Part 3

The Ricardo thing turned out to be a complete bust, and thus my interest in Dave was completely renewed. We had been playing phone tag, but had finally managed to pin down a date to go out and have a drink. The problem with the date that we had picked was two fold. First of all Ranise had just left that day, and while I loved having her visit and it was certainly an eventful and fun trip, I was completely exhausted. I had been run ragged not only physically, but the whole mini-drama that had unfolded over the entire trip had been mentall draining as well. However, I had to keep this downpour of men going. The second problem was that it was a Wednesday night, and Lost was on. Yes I was TIVOing it, but Lost is one of those shows that you can't wait to watch. :)

Dave and I went to a very nice restaurant/lounge that is within walking distance to my house. To suggest anything that is witihin walking distance to myself instantly endears me to you, because I make it known to strangers and friends alike that driving is perhaps the thing that I like to do least in this world. On the other hand, he could have suggested that we go somewhere within walking distance of my house so he could get me drunk and take advantage of me. My initial thoughts on Dave were that he was cute, but perhaps a little too old for me at 35. After our date had been going on for a little while, my thoughts on him had changed a little bit. He was still cute, but he was definitley too old for me because he decided to confess after our first drink that for a reason he is not really sure of he decided to tell me that he was 35 just to see if I would believe him. How old was he actually you may be asking yourself? 42. Yes. He was seventeen years older then me. 42 is well beyond my usual cut off, but by this point we had already started to click. We actually had things in common, and were able to have a very easy conversation with one another. Plus, he was still cute.

Three vodka tonics and a not very full stomach later, we were talking about Lost and how much we both liked it. A few moments after that Dave was suggesting that we go back to his apartment to watch Lost. So clearly there was some merit in my notion that he was getting me drunk to take advantage of me, but honestly there was a good vibe going on between us, and I wasn't fulled by his suggestion to go back to his apartment and "watch" Lost. Being the older more established of the two of us, he insisted on paying. In that moment it had a little bit of a sugar daddy feel which I felt sort of icky about, but I didn't ask him to pay, and I knew that I wasn't going to let it turn into a situaton like that so if he wanted to pay for some drinks and appetizers then more power to him. And, he did ask me out after all.

We went back to his very nice apartment, with his very nice flat screen tv mounted on the wall, and we did start to watch Lost. At first we were sitting with some space between us, and then we were sitting very close to one another, then we were holding hands. About forty minutes into the episode there was a commercial break, and that's when the making out started. I'm going to fast forward a bit here because not everyone needs the gory details, and I was a little tipsy and there was hooking up. But it was nice. Even after we hooked up we still had things to talk about, and nothing got weird. He drove me home. No talk of spending the night had occured, and even if he had mentioned it I wanted to go home. I had to get up early to go to Barry's Bootcamp, and after the crazy birthday weekend I wanted to get back into my normal routine.

At my apartment, we kissed goodbye and set up another date. Honestly, that is probably the first time that I have had a second date set before the first date even ended. It was nice. It certainly made me see the virtues of older guys who aren't neccesarily into all of the game playing. Usually they promise to call assuring me how interested they are, they never call, I foolishly break down and call them, and of course never hear from them again. It is a predictable cycle. I almost find comfort in the predictability of it all. But this time was different, and I was completely for trying something different.