Don't Ever Forget...I'm from New York

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

For Real?

I get so excited when I see a post that has a comment. I love when my friends write funny quips in response to when I write. And I love it when people I don't know are reading my blog and enjoying it. I want as many people to read my blog as possible!

But, am I seriously getting spam comments? I think I am. They seem to pretend to be actual readers who have enjoyed my site, but then below is an advertisement for some website. Thus far I've had one for dog collars...WHAT?!?!?! Dog collars..seriously?

I just saw one for a site about penis enlargements. Spam is everywhere! YOu can't escape it. Are these real people who do this? Why are they doing it? Do they really enjoy my site but want to make some money spreadin words about other sites? I just don't understand. People.....I don't want a penis enlargement, and I don't own a dog.

Which brings me to another thing....I'm always getting these instant messages from random screen names telling me that they loved my profile and want to chat...usually it involves being naked. I don't want to chat with you naked. I know you are some sort of automated comptuer, but I still don't want to chat naked. The ones that crack me up the most involve this automated computer pretending to be some girl named Nikki or something telling me how much she loved me profile and then directing me to a lovely website where I can watch Nikki and her roommates get naked on their webcam. WHAT?!?!?!?!?

What is this profile that they speak? How do I get these instant messages? I'm not going on sorority girl websites or something. Why? Why? Why? The gay man gets spam from women who want to get naked for him....No thank you. I'm going to pass.

Seriously, I get at least one of these a day. How do I make them stop? I don't want CollegeCoEd33333 iming me anymore.

So I's about Charmed.

It wasn't so much a lie as it was a miscalculation. The eighth season of Charmed premiered on Sunday night, and I for one couldn't be happier. It was a bit up in the air whether or not the WB was going to renew the show for an eighth season, and while the producers wrapped everything up in a nice little bow it all felt a bit rushed and not very satisfying. I'm glad that they have at least another season to tell the stories of these wacky witches that I oh so adore.

It's hard for me to pick what my favorite show is. But Charmed is definitley in the running. On many of my favorite shows there are characters that I love, and characters that I have very little interest in. I watch them because they are a part of that world, a part of the canvas, but I have no real interest in their storyline as a part of my enjoyment. I can't say that about Charmed. I love each and every character. The actors and actresses are fabulous, and they know what they are making is supposed to be fun. They embrace it, and you can see that. Charmed has always had a good balance of season long arcs as well as stand alone episodes. Plus, who doesn't love Alyssa Milano!

The world thinks that the Halliwell sisters are dead, and that their father is raising Piper's kids. We all know that they faked their deaths and are using magical disguises to have normal lives. Do they really think that that is going to work? They are always trying this and it always fails. For me this show is all about the interaction of the sisters, and the premiere did not disappoint. They were in full banter mode. Personally, I have always liked Charmed Post Shanned Doherty more then with Shannen Doherty. Rose McGowan's Paige is far more interesting to me then Shannen Doherty's Prue.

Paige, of course, is having the hardest time giving up the magical life because her white lighter side had recenty been activated and she constantly has charges calling for help. We all know that Paige would only resist these calls for so long, and she answered the call of a charge of a witch named Billie...who didn't really seem to need her. This was a kick ass witch with a lot of powers, but what seemed like very little experience. She kept rescuing Piper's kids and dad because the underworld was after all of them now that the charmed ones were presumed dead. How she was aware of these attacks is a bit of a mystery. The demons have of course figured out that the Charmed ones may be alive, even with the little show the Charmed ones put on(disguising themselves as Wyatt and basically doing some hardcore vanquishing!)to make sure demons aren't constantly coming after their dad(I say their dad but we of course realize that it is only Piper and Phoebe's dad since Paige is the product of an affair their mother had with her whitelighter-guess that runs in the family Piper!)

The sisters think they put on a good enough show to scare away the underworld, but that is just not going to happen. Piper and Phoebe are going to let Paige explore this white lighter stuff, but don't seem to really want to help. That's a little bitchy if you ask me. And now this new witch, Billie, seems like she is going to become a protege of the Charmed Ones. Does it really seem fair to make this new kid do all the work?

I'm interested to see what Leo is going to do in this new paradigm, and how their dad is going to deal with his larger role in this world now that he must pretend that he is the guardian of the boys. Demons are going to try to kill that man every other week, I say in jest hoping that that does not happen. It would get really old, really fast.

Paige needs some loving...bring back Kerr Smith as her white lighter boyfriend. They had some great chemistry! :)

This could be the last season of Charmed so I hope that they make it a good one. That's not to say I wouldn't be thrilled if they came back for season nine next year. The season premiere was a good start to the season. I'm excited to see where it goes.

If I Could, I Would

I watch a lot of television, and if I could get a job in which I was paid to watch all the shows that are near and dear to my heart I would be happy as a clam. That is not possible at least at the moment, and that means that I must be productive a large portion of the day. That does not mean that I have any intention of cutting back on my television viewing. It just means that I have to work the television viewing around my scheduel rather then working my scheduel around the television viewing. Plus, it allows me to have a life which is a good thing. I heart television, but I need a life outside of it. If I couldn't be social I would go crazy. I like to be out and about with the peeps.

The invention of the Digital Video Recorder set me free. No more worrying about tapes or setting the VCR each day to record my programs. I could get a season pass to all of my shows and not have to worry about them. At the moment I have Direct TV with TIVO, which means I can record two things at once. Perfect for a TV addict like me who has multiple shows on at the same time. It doesn't so much help with the glut of programming schedueled for Thursdays at 8pm(The OC and Survivor will be fine-those are the two that I'm watching. Alias and Smallville are so going to suffer. I'm doing my best to make sure I get to see Alias every week too, but there is nothing I can do to see Smallville as much as it pains me. Fret not...I will catch Season 5 on least I won't have to wait for new episodes when I finally get to watch it.)

My Direct TV TIVO, however, apparently was the one in a thousand that didn't work properly. It has been malfunctioning since August. Every two weeks or so, I say or so because there isn't an exact science to any of this-it just sort of happens, the TIVO reciever loses the signal. Nothing is coming through and it can't record any of the schedueled programs. There is nothnig record. I hadn't missed any important shows or shows that I couldn't catch again, but that feared hovered over me. Everything went as planned this weekend. All of my Sunday night shows TIVOED...I watched them...all of my Monday night shows tivoed....great....then Tuesday morning rolled around. I turned on the television to find that the reciever had lost the signal. It was due to happen. God forbid the problem fix itself and go away. As usual I rebooted the TIVO, but this time I got a message. The damn thing must have thought it was being cute. Across the screen scrolled the words, INVALID ACCESS CARD. I made several phone calls trying to get this fixed and contain my rage. I was so sick of calling these people. SICK OF IT! Finally they realized it could not be fixed and they would have to replace it. HOORAY! One problem...all of the shows on it would be lost. That meant I had to catch up on everything yesterday.

This is not supposed to be a chore. I had to multi-task while I watched the shows, or at least some of them, so I could still be productive that day. Many resumes were sent out. Luckily, they were able to get someone out to my house today so I only went without a TIVO for a day or so. I watched Gilmore Girls last night and will catch Supernatural on the WB's SUnday Easyview. Gotta love Easyview.

Do I sound crazy? I really am not. I just really love my shows, and once I committ to them I hate missing an episode. That is why I love this tecnhnology because it allows me to not be shackled to the television. When it works that is. All seems to be well now. I have a new TIVO that hopefully won't drop the signal, and my social life shall continue to thrive. As much as it can in LA where I know few people. But that is a post for another day!

Until my next rant...which I believe is going to be about the Gilmore Girls.....

How often do I give a movie two thumbs down?

I'm not exactly known for my discerning taste when it comes to movies. I will see just about anything. Hell I even enjoyed Gigli. Yes, I did and I will stand by that. I have no allusions that it was a masterpiece of cinematic beauty, but I enjoyed it for the bad movie that it was. I make no apologies for this. If you have seen my DVD collection you will realize that I like what I choose to like and I rarely let the opinions of others sway me. I don't buy into movie reviews. I read them, and take them for what they are, but I don't let them influence me either way because I think that we all need to make our own choices in regards to what we value as entertainment since my opinion tends to vary from going along party lines to be a crazy off the wall kook!

This brings me to A History of Violence. It had an excellent trailer. Very intriguing. The moment that I saw the trailer I wanted to see this movie. I hadn't read any reviews for the movie, but from what I heard it was one of the best reviewed movies of the year. The critics were apparently loving it! LOVING IT! Good for them, but I still wanted to make my own opinion.

What was my opinion of this movie? It was not good, I will tell you that. The movie was a complete and utter waste of my time. I like to see every movie that I possibly can so in that regards I have come to terms with the fact that I saw it, but my god. It was violent just for the sake of being violent. The director must have said to himself I want to make a movie that is chock full of gratutious violence so I'm going to fill this movie with death, carnage, and destruction. Oh, annd then I'll throw in a frame or two of the victims of this violence suffering in their last moments...usually with some part of their body blown off. Just for fun! What? Really?

It tried to be funny.....I think. For a large portion of the movie everything was presented as very serious. There was no tinges of humor laced in. There was no dramedy action going on. Then as it progressed and we learned more about Viggo's character and his past very inappropriate jokes were thrown in. The kind of jokes that you aren't even sure if they are jokes. You sort of chuckle uncomfortably at them because you think that they are supposed to be funny, but you're at loss if it is intentional or not.

Mario Bello...Viggo Mortensen.....Ed Harris. These are some superb actors. People who clearly have talent, and in the past have made some very good choices in regards to roles. This was not one of their better choices. I can understand why these people choose to do this movie. It is a little bit different. On paper it probably came across as edgy, a role that they could really sink their teeth into and perhaps get some publicity from. Once they got to the set and started actually acting they must have realized the garbage that they signed up for because it seemed like everyone was just phoning in their performances. Each of them had their moments when their talent really shined. It made the movie a little bit bearable. But for the most part they weren't there. How can I get into the movie if even the stars seem to be unable to committ to the material?

Finally...there was the sex scenes. I'm not going to go into the lurid details, but once again the director of this movie asked himself what could he do to make the sex completely gratuitous. He one hundred percent succeeded with the first sex scene. There was zero need for it. I can see the purpose of the second sex scene, but I didn't find it very enjoyable to watch. It was uncomfortable. Both of them lasted too long. He needed to tighten those scenes up...cut out like a minute and a half from each. Eck!

I don't reccomend this movie, but I understand if you need to make your own opinion. I would still see it after reading this type of go and make your own opinion. If you enjoy it...more power to you!

In My Hurry....

In my desperate need to get out of the house last week I made a serious miscalculation. It seems that since I have moved to LA I have been more accident prone then usual. When I lived in New York I was always tripping over my own feet or bumping into walls or dropping things, but it never actually caused any actual damage to myself or my belongings. That is not the case here in Los Angeles. Here when I bump into a wall I get a huge bruise...or when I hit the coffee table I get a welt on my leg that is sore for a week and a half and nearly incapicatates me. I broke skin people! Or wait...I drop tweezers on the bathroom floor, bend down to pick them up without really thinking about the return trip to being fully stood up, and hit my head on the open cabinet. I caught the edge. It was not pretty. When I lived on the upper east side with Annie and Leslie I slipped and fell out of the shower without hurting myself. I don't think there was a scratch on me. But what happens when I drop some tweezers...I hit my head and get a bump. I've never had a bump on my head in my life. At least as far as I can remember. My first thought was that I had a concussion, and my second thought was that I was going to have a permanent mark on my head which was actually shaped quite nicely. I didn't want this to mar the shape of my head in case I ever go bald. Let's face runs in the family. Not a day goes by that I don't look in the mirror and inspect the hairline and see if it is thinning in places. Most days I can convince myself that it is thinning, but that is because I am paranoid about the whole thing. I'm not sure if it is actually thinning.

Wow....none of that is even remotely close to what I was going to tell you about. Back on track time. So I was in a hurry to get out of my house, and my complete and utter lack of depth perception managed to convince me that I had enough space to back out of the driveway without taking out my passenger side window. I proceeded to zoom out of the garage. Why? I'm not sure. I had never done that before, but apparently on that day the need for speed was in me. Guess what? The next thing I know I hear this loud crunch, and my window is gone. The car must have gone into shock because the blinkers stopped working as well. All is well and on its way to being fixed. What lesson have I learned from this? Never ever have confidence in my depth perception. It doesn't exist so I shouldn't fool myself into thinking that it does.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I have some funny friends....

Mind you I am paraphrasing a lot of this, and most of it is from memory so if anyone sees any flaws in any of this then please feel free to tell me and I will immediately put in a revision.

Selda: "We have these homeless men across the street, and it is like they just live there. I've told this to Sara. Our side of the street is definitley the nicer side of the street!"

Sara: "We've never had this conversation.

Cracked me up!

Maria Angela: "I don't do things with my in the name. No My Space, No My Friendster, No My Match."

Brian: "You just made that rule up.

-Maria Angela explaining why she would not join my space, and then erroneously attaching a my to any sort of online network of people.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Janelle, Oh How I Will Miss You!

Friday's Edition of Big Brother was disappointing. We were down to Ivette, Maggie, and my girl Janelle. Janelle has dominated in this comeptition. I had every faith that she would be able to take the final head of household competition ensuring her place in the final two.

The evening didn't get off to a great start for my girl. Janelle lost the first part of the three part head of household competition. It was all based on an endurance. Janelle put up a good fight, but ultimately it was Ivette who came out victorious. With each passing moment of watching Ivette I grow to dislike her more and more. She has this sense of entitlement that I find disgusting. Who is she to say that she is any more deserving or any more in need of winning the money? I'm not saying that she doesn't need it, but that doesn't mean that others do not as well.

Luckily, this HOH comeptition was three parts, and although winning the first round meant that Ivette got to move ahead to the third round it did not mean that she was out for the count yet. The second part of the competition pitted Janelle against Maggie, and basically it was a puzzle sort of comeptition that tested their knowledge of events that occurred in the Big Brother house. It was a close race, but my girl won allowing her to move ahead to round three.

Ivette and Janelle, enemies throughout the entire competition, were about to decide that fate of the other. This was a do or die situation for Janelle. If she didn't win then she was going to be sent home. Julie Chen asked them six questions in which they had to complete a statement by members of the jury. Things were not looking good for Janelle. At question 5 Ivette was ahead of Janelle meaning Janelle needed to get the final two correct and Ivette had to get the final two wrong. It seemed unlikely, but it happened. Relief washed over me. It went to a tiebreaker. They tied again. A second tiebreaker sealed Janelle's fate, and by a very close margin Ivette won.

Sadly, Janelle was evicted from the Big Brother House and with her a lot of the excitement that I had in me for the finale. It would have been great to watch Janelle win the money. Of course I'm still going to watch the season finale, but it's to see Ivette lose more then to see Maggie win.

What Do You Like? What Are You Thinking?

I'm an open book. That is why I have no problem putting these thoughts out there for all the world to read. I'm the first person to admit that I have some serious issues when it comes to sex and intimacy. I'm great at being a friend. There is nothing that I know how to do better then be a friend. If I could make a career out of it then I would do that in a heartbeat. I could teach classes on it.

But when it comes to dating I'm not exactly at the head of the class. I have a bit of a problem giving myself over to one person to that degree, and thus I'm a bit repressed when it comes to sex and intimacy. If I don't feel comfortable around a guy then I'm not going to be able to have sex with you let alone stare into your eyes or tell you what it is that is going on in my head. That leads me to the title of this post.

Anytime I have ever hooked up with a guy or dated a guy they have asked me what do I like or what am I thinking. Usually both. When I say what do you like I don't mean foods or television shows or clothes....they are talking about what do I like sexually. It is next to impossible for me to vocalize that sort of thing. I realize that with the right person I should have no trouble voicing these things, but even with the right person I imagine that it would take a lot for me to say such things to a person, and that is why I hate that question. It is as if I become a mute, and mute is not something that I am. I always have something to say or a response to a question. That one stumps me. My brain just refuses to help me out.

The what are you thinking question I'm a litte bit better at. I think the intimacy area is the one where I'm having better luck growing. But I still find it hard to express what I'm thinking in an intimate moment. Although, I was able to put together a few sentences this weekend when asked that question so I'm moving forward in the right direction with my development.

This whole weekend has left me so overly analytical. I need to lighten up a bit I think. Those are some areas that I'm working on so once again to anyone out there who asks me these questions in an intimate moment realize that the answers aren't going to come easily to me. I'm going to need some patience, and God knows that patience is not a quality that many people are blessed with these days. I'm pretty patient most of the time so take a lesson from me. Deep breaths help.

The 3 Day Rule

My encounter this weekend has left me thinking about a lot of the foibbles that I have, and a lot of the games that are involved with meeting people that are complete and utter nonsense. Dating sucks. Is there any other way to put it? The whole awkward getting to know you and getting to know what the other person wants phase is something that I have no interest in participting in. All it does is give me agita. Let me tell you something: there is rarely an instance when I'm on the same page as someone. I mean I could make a career out of misreading signals. When I think someone likes me is the exact time that they don't like me. Or they do like me and they are just afraid of the wonderful human being that I am. Yes. I think that that is it. They are afraid of the wonder that I could bring into their life. hahahahaha. I just want to skip to the comfortable part of the relationship.

This brings me to a very specific game in the world of dating that I loathe and detest. I'm not kidding I cannot stand this rule. It is so stupid, and it cripples people. Are you thinking to yourself that I'm being dramatic? Does it really cripple people? Yes it cripples people. It keeps you caught in this loop of playing these mind games with people just so you can keep the upper hand, and as I speak these words or write them rather I realize that I have not clued you all in to what it is that I'm talking about. The 3 day rule. Why must people wait three days to call one another? It doesn't make any sense. Someone picked this arbitrary frame of time at some point in the anals of dating history, and now we are all stuck in this loop of forever waiting three days for someone to call without knowing if they don't like us or they do like us and are scared of breaking the rule or they do like us and feel the need to play games. I like board games, I like video games, I DO NOT like dating games.

Let me use this weekend as an example. Ivor said to me that he felt as if their was a vibe going on between us and he wanted to get my phone number. Wonderful! Great! Here is my phone number. This leads me to yet another issue that I have. I hate when people ask for your phone number, and then never use it. Well then why the hell are you asking for it and putting it in your phone? I'm going to finish my story before I continue ranting. I gave Ivor my phone number, but I told him only to take it if he really wanted to call me because quite frankly I am sick of giving people my phone number and then having them never call. It is maddening. He asked me when I could call him, and I responded with whenever he wanted. He could call me the next day if he wanted. If two people like one another then calling the next day is not scary. What's the problem if it is mutual? His thoughts, however, were that he had to wait three days to call. Are you kidding me? He not only plays the game, but he fully admits to playing the game. At least pretend that you don't.

Obviously this is partly about this weekend, but it is larger then that. More important then my encounter this weekend is the larger issues that came to mind from my encounter with Ivor that infuriate me about dating. You don't need to wait three days to call me, don't ask for my phone number if you don't really want it. Oh you know what another one of my favorites is? These guys will also give you their phone number, and on the off chance they pick up when you call they are clearly aggrevated that you have actually dialed their phone number. Pardon me. What a lunatic I am. Actually calling someone who told me to call them? Some people need to get over themselves.

You know what. I'm not going to feel bad or embarassed about any of this nonsense anymore. I'm not a crazy person. I'm a good guy and if I like you there is no reason that I shouldn't let you know that. I'm not going to play the dating games anymore. I'm so retired from that. If all you cute boys out there want to play these games then I suggest that you steer clear of me. I'm just going to be as real and honest as I can possibly be. If it can save us all a little bit of the aggrevation that we encounter each day then I think that it is worth it.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Proofreading Amnesia

I must apologize for my lack of proofreading in some of these posts as of late. Occasionally I will go back to my site and look over some of the posts that I have written only to discover atrocious errors. Otherwise brillaint sentence and posts are marred by errors or run on sentences that could have been easily fixed.

I make a promise to all my readers here and now: there will be a much more concerted effort to proofread my posts so that the enjoyment that is recieved by them will be at its height. As a show of good faith I'm going to proof-read this post right now. Fingers crossed that I catch all my mistakes.

The OC Thus Far....

Yes, it has only been two episodes since we have returned to the exploits of our favorite Newport Residents. So far I think that we are off to a good start, and I like the direction the storylines seem to be going in, but let's step out of vague land and walk right into specificville.

Of course, I must step right into Seth and Summer because they are my favorites and must be addressed right away. Thus far they have been there more as supporting players in Ryan and Marissa's troubles, and although at some point they must get a story of their own I am enjoying the fact that they are solid as a couple. Essentially all they have done in their two years of romantic adventures is fight-whether it be for each other or against each other. A little bit of happy coupledom is not a bad thing-it's when it becomes perpetual. Plus, there is a lot of potential for Summer and her new rival, Taylor. Summer must defend Coop's honor now that she has been expelled(more on that later). The bitch that we all know and love in Summer is going to come out, and while the OC hasn't had much luck in the way of new characters I think if handled properly this Taylor girl could be an interesting addition as a foil to Summer. But I do have to say that I don't see Taylor being a long term character. At most she should show up sporadically through the year as different school events come up. I'm not adverse to new characters joining the fold full force, but this is not the character for that.

Having Jimmy Cooper back is a doubled edged sword. I love me some Jimmy Cooper on the show, but I don't love me that Jimmy Cooper is yet again involved in criminal activies causing him massive money troubles causing him to have to lie to Julie again. I never thought that Julie and Jimmy Cooper would have rooting value, but he gives Julie that humanity that she so desperately needs to remain a viable character. What else does he do? Screw her over time and time again. Now he owes some shady character money, and Julie has no idea that he's in any trouble and thinks that he is loaded. Did he learn nothing from their last divorce? Julie is money hungry. God knows that this this is true, but I also think that she really does love Jimmy and perhaps if he was honest with her the fallout would be far less harsh. But this is television and we need harsh fall out. I just wish that they weren't trying to do the same exact thing to Jimmy, and by extension Julie, and attempting to make it look as if it is a differet story. He owns a loan shark money, he stole money from clients. Different route, but same road. Come up with something new. And what was with Jimmy spending all that money and then asking Julie to marry him? The man has issues. I thought that he worked through all this, but apparently not. Why don't you wait until you've gotten the thugs off of your back before you start making marriage proposals. And do these two morons really think that Caleb left Julie anything. He was planning to divorce her. I imagine he got around to changing his will. I'm sure that there is going to be some sort of twist coming, but I know that Caleb isn't going to be handing money to Julie Cooper on silver platter. I doubt that he would even give her the silver platter.

Kirsten has always been one of my favorite characters. The adult characters are just as interesting as the younger characters and that is what is so great about this show. Honestly, did anyone really care about Jim and Cindy Walsh? or Mel Silver? No. Those characters were just hating parents. Jim and Cindy were given more to do then the other parents, but they still weren't likeable. And they never got their own storylines. Kirsten, Sandy, Julie, Jimmy....even Caleb....they all have things going on that doesn't involve their kids as well as intersecting with their kids. This is the way to do a teen drama. I can understand that Kirsten is afraid to leave rehab, but why does she want to go to this cabin with this clearly co-dependent woman. She was trying to put on a front for Kirsten, but our girl should have seen through it. Now not only is she creepy, but she is straight up nefarious. After guilting Kirsten into not leaving, she took out her hidden flask and took a swig. Is she even an addict? Why was she in that rehab place? What is her deal? I hope we don't have some sort of lesbian storyline going on because that is so last season. Perhaps a Singe White Female vibe? But why? I imagine that Charlotte has some sort of connection to Kiki that goes beyond rehab, but I have yet to be able to figure anything out. I'm curious. I hope that they have something good in store for us. You know that you can always count on Sandy Cohen, though. He was suspicious of this woman from moment one. He knows there is something sketchy about this whole cabin in the woods scenario. His fears have been quelled for the moment, but this is his wife so his radar isn't going to go off completely. I feel a Sandy coming to the rescue moment on the horizon.

Should Marissa be shooting people? Of course not. Should she have let Trey bash Ryan's head in? Of course not. What is with all of these people that are coming after Ryan and Marissa? It is not as if Marissa is some sort of gun toting psychopath........she saw someone she loves about to be killed(and yes bashing Ryan's head in with a phone would have probably killed him) by the guy who tried to rape her. He may be Ryan's brother, but he is not a very good guy. I imagine anyone would have done the same thing in the situation. The legality of all it was wrapped up pretty quickly. Trey woke up. Everything worked out(with a speed bump or two) and no legal ramifications were imposed. Trey left town which I have mixed feelings about. I'm not sure what they could have done with him so I see why they had him pack up and leave, but he was one of the only newer characters on this show that worked and was able to find his place within the cast. In that regards it's too bad he had to go, but maybe he can come back at some point. Al that being said I am ever so happy that he didn't die. I'm not sure the Ryan/Marissa coupling could have handled the death of Ryan's brother at Marissa's hands. That's a wee bit too complicated even for these tortured lovers.

Ryan and Marissa are probably my least favorite characters, but they are starting off strong this season and so much went on with them that I need a second paragraph. The parents at Harbor want Ryan and and Marissa out of the school. I understand that they don't want their children to be around violent criminals, but Ryan and Marissa aren't violent criminals. Marissa is not walking around with a gun. Ryan didn't get the gun. It was Trey's gun. He was going to kill Ryan. Marissa had to do something. Why don't these parents understand that? I do understand that the school board had to address the issue. I loved that the principal saw the situation for what it is and would have let both Ryan and Marissa stay if it were up to her. Unfortunately the school board hired a new dean of discipline for the school. He may be the devil incarnate. Seriously. The guy has it out for both of them for no good reason. The board decided to expel Marissa, but not Ryan. I don't agree with Marissa being expelled, but it would have been even more appalling if Ryan had been given the boot since he was the one who was almost killed. Ryan and Marissa tried to reason with the dean but he made it very clear that he had it out for them and he was going to do everything in his power to get Ryan expelled. This guy needs a life. Is it that he has never had sex? I think that that might be it.

As a result of Marissa's expulsion the Summer/Taylor feud begun, and they were struggling for control of the kickoff carnival. Ryan and Marissa wound up coming to the carnival, and that little bitch Taylor called the dean(I can't rememeber his name-Eric Mabius plays him), and this guy basically went crazy and DEMANDED that Marissa leave. Ryan of course had to get volatile even when Marissa was attempting to leave. That damn dean grabbed Marissa-hard. It looked like it hurt. Who does this guy think that he is? I saw evil in his eyes when he pulled that little stunt. They need to reign this guy in or he is just going to become a caricature. What is the motivation behind all of this? Give us something! Of course Ryan punched him and he got himself expelled which led to perhaps one of the best shots on the OC ever.....Seth and Summer on the ferris wheel watching everything unfold, cutting to the dean with Taylor standing beside him with her arms folded, the both of them smoldering with delight, and then Ryan and Marissa behind a chainlink fence his arm wrapped around hers. Both of their outfits had a rough and tumble look about them. They looked so tough and so united. I found myself rooting for Ryan and Marissa. Shocking!

Some good stuff has been set up, and so let's hope that they can roll with the momentum. The second season was a tad disappointing, but the third season looks like it has the makings to be Must See TV. Of course I'll be watching and reporting my thoughts!

And Now For Something Completely Different.....

I'm sitting here on my couch on this Saturday evening with Tara next to me and her temptress bowl of cheese. Stephanie is playing with her new ipod, the nano. Quite cool. And Leigh and Joe are here! YAY! We love having visitors here, and Leigh and Joe are two of the best visitors that we could have. We're having a wonderful visit, but we're all sort of tired so we are chilling out tonight and watching the Opposite of Sex, one of my favorite movies although I don't find Ivan Sergei(he's in the movie in case you've never seen it) all that attractive.

You might be asking yourself at this moment why I'm regaling you with tales of me watching movies and eating cheese. It's as exciting as my life gets these days. I am sad to say it.

Luckily, the previous question was a joke. I do have something more exciting to say. Leigh and Joe arrived on Friday and we took them to In and Out and the Getty and had a great day, but we were all kind of lagging by the end of it and hadn't planned on hitting the town this particular evening. Our tunes changed after we had eaten our delectable sushi dinner. I hadn't had sushi in forever so that was a welcome treat, but it was still only 7:20 so we tried to think of what we should do, but ultimately just decided to head to Fiesta. We figured that we could catch the end of the first happy hour. Up until this point it had been a fun day and a good evening, but the evening hadn't quite swept me off of my feet just yet.

I accompanied Leigh to the bathroom because frankly there all sort of shennanigans going on in that bathroom, and Tara couldn't quite find her license and Leigh was about to burst. At some point Tara must have found her license because she popped up out of nowhere asking us what we wanted to drink, and of course my reply was a vodka tonic. That is my drink. I rarely drink anything else. I find that in many ways I am a creature of habit, and when I find a drink I tend to stick with it. Before I found my ways to vodka tonic I was drinking midouri sours. That was my drink all during my under age years, and then a couple after that. I still enjoy one from time to time, but they are a little too strong when you are having one after another in an evening, and thus my love for vodka tonics was born. What was I even talking about? Ah yes. Leigh finished in the bathroom, and we headed to meet Tara, Stephanie, and Joe at the bar when Tara decreed that we were going to go upstairs and get our drinks. I had no idea why in the moment, but apparently the bartender had been ignoring them and they didn't want to give him their tip money. I can understand that. Often in gay bars the bartenders will ignore girls which is ironice because there tend to be a lot of straight bartenders at gay bars. As long as you look good with your shirt off you can work in a gay bar. Orientation isn't so much important. We went upstairs, and got our orders in just under the 8pm wire-doubles for everyone! yay!

I had a voicemail, and it wasn't all that loud upstairs but I decided that I wanted to check it downstairs and see what was going on down there. It would give me a chance to look around and still seem like I had a purpose. I was standing there checking my voicemail, and a guy sitting down asked me if he had called. I didn't really have any idea what he was talking about, and I wanted to roll my eyes but instead I engaged with him because it's always interesting to see what seemingly weird people are going to say to you. His name was Ivor, and he wanted to know who I was talking to, and why I didn't have a boyfriend, and a myriad of other questions that I just didn't have the answer to. He was cute, very cute. But he was asking me weird questions, and saying shocking things about anyone that crossed his path just for the sake of being shocking. I wanted to return to my friends, but there was something about Ivor that I did find intriguing. So I went back upstairs thinking that I wasn't going to come back, but at the same time realizing I was saying that to myself without really believing it. I wasn't back upstairs for more then ten minutes before I decided it was time to have Leigh come downstairs with me and see if there were any cute boys. Really I wanted to see if Ivor was still down there.

He was, and at first I just sort of stood there with Leigh and we smoked a cigarette. I don't plan on doing these things this way in my head, but then the actions just take on a life of their own and I start to look as if I am Sami Brady the way that I'm behaving. I pointed out Ivor to Leigh, and he noticed that we were there and we started to engage in idle chit chat. The next few minutes is exposition more then anything else. Leigh and I were standing there and Ivor would occasionally turn to us and say something or make some sort of shocking comment. I kept saying that I had to go back to my friends, but it didn't actually happen and before I knew it Leigh was going to the bathroom and I was just full on having a conversation with Ivor and his friend. Leigh made an interesting observation earlier today. She said that he seemed to be alternately talking to me and then ignoring me as some sort of wooing strategy. That does seem to make sense, but once I didn't actually leave after I said I was going to it seemed that he had thrown his strategy out the window and we were just talking.

God knows that I have issues with guys. First of all I haven't had much luck with them. Then I do the whole keep guys that I'm interested in and that are interested in me at arms length. Why I do these things is unclear. I'm attempting to not do it anymore. Like I said earlier Ivor was making shocking comments. Comments that I wouldn't really make, and part of me thinks that he does it because he wants to put on a show or something. He has a very stand up comedy air about him. I'm sure that he would be a really funny stand up comedian, but that is neither here nor there. I have to admit that at first I wasn't sure why he was talking to me. Maybe he just enjoyed engaging random people in conversations. Who knows. Then he started talking about how much he liked my smile. I didn't want to admit this at the time, but I really liked this. Normally I hate it when people tell me nice things about myself. Compliments are like man repellent to me. When someone acts if they are interested in me is right about the time that I lose interest. That wasn't the case in these particular set of circumstances. I actually liked when he was telling me that I had a nice smile. This must be what it feels like to behave like a normal person! Oh my!

The evening proceeded like this. He was telling me how cute I was and that I had nice eyes and a nice smile. He was even telling my friends how cute I was. I hadn't quite gotten to the point where I could reciprocate the compliments. Expressing that I like someone is just as hard for me as accepting that someone likes me, but the fact that I liked the things that Ivor was saying to me was a step in the right direction. This may not seem like a big deal to any of you, but I was doing some serious analyzation in my head as to why in this particular case I liked the compliments. I still don't really have an answer for that, but I was just enjoying the fact that it was the way it was. Things were starting to wind down. The second happy hour had started, but we had all been there for a long time so people were drunk and wanting to go home. All of my friends had now migrated downstairs, and were sitting with us and all of Ivor's friends. Ivor then turns to me and tells me that if all our friends weren't here that he would kiss me. Now that is a nice thing to say. What was with me? I was enjoying hearing things I usually cringe at. Things that I usually find ridiculous. Ivor wanted to exhchange phone numbers. I was happy to give it to him, but I made sure that he knew that I didn't believe that he was actually going to call me. That probably isn't the greatest thing to say to someone that you wanted to call you, but it doesn't seem like they ever call so I might as well put it out there that while I would welcome a phone call I don't actually expect it to happen. At the time I believed that he wanted to call me, but he was drunk. My doubts don't usually start until after we have parted ways.

All of our friends left leaving the two of us alone. We walked around for a bit after we left Fiesta, and wound up standing on the sidewalk. He kissed me and then told me that he wanted to do that the whole evening. I'm falling for these things hook line sinker. The neurotic, disbelieivng, keep any guy who is nice to me at arms lenght Brian was nowhere in sight. Trust me I was looking everywhere for him, but he just did not want to make an appearance. For once. I almost didn't realize this was a good thing because I was so used to behaving in a way that was counterproductive to be a healthy and functional adult. haha. He wanted me to go home with him, but Leigh and Joe were here and I didn't want to start the next day all out of whack. I wanted to spend more time with Ivor, but I also didn't want to miss out on spending time with Leigh and Joe and Tara and Stephanie. Tara, Steph, and I had been looking forward to their visit for a long time. Finally we decided that he was going to come home with me, but I made it clear to him that I wasn't going to have sex with him. I never sleep with anyone the first night that I have met them, but these guys that I meet still want to come home with me. I don't misrepresent myself, but they still want to come. It's like I'm a hotel or something. I pick them up and give them a place to stay.

I brought him back to our apartment and chaos was reigning. Everyone was running around and drunk and I think that he thought that we were all a little crazy, but that didn't stop us from making out on my bed. He was being very nice, sweet, and tender and at one point he asked me what I was thinking. I told him that I thought that he made funny faces when he kissed. Are you kidding me? That is what I said? That was unhealthy Brian coming out again. I was completely sabotaging myself. But I did share something else with him. If a guy ever comes home with me I usually want them gone before we even get into the apartment, but when I had Ivor there in the bed with me I didn't want him to leave. I liked having him there. Interesting. I don't think that he was feeling very well though because after a little whie he just wanted to go to sleep. Perhaps he had changed his mind and was regretting coming there. Who knows. But of course I just decided to go to sleep. I liked having him there. A couple of hours later he woke up with a stomache, and I tried to do what I could but he just went back to sleep. About an hour and a half after that I woke up to find him getting ready to leave. Trying to sneak out in the middle of the night? That is not cool. You were the one who was all over me, and now your going to pull this. These guys only like me when I'm drunk.

He did wake me though, and told me that he wanted to go because his stomach hurt. He wanted to be in his own bed. That's understandable. He told me that it was nice to meet me. This is a nice enough thing to say, but to me that is something that you say to someone when you don't have any intention of ever seeing them again. He coud have said I will give you a call in the next couple of days or something like that. Nope. It was nice to meet me. He did peck me on the lips, and then he headed out. He may have uttered something about giving me a call, but it was very off the cuff. His distraction could have been from the fact that he had a stomachache, or that he was till drunk or hungover or that it was 4:30 in the morning. I'm also willing to admit that being half asleep I may haven't at my best to read the situation. But I do tend to be good at being awake even when I'm awake.

What is my take on all of this? I didn't think that this was someone that I was going to like, but actually he seemed like a really nice guy, I liked spending time with him, and for once I enjoyed hearing someone say nice things to me. And yes I was attraced to him. I don't normally think things like this, but he had a great smile. Every time I looked at it I wanted to tell him that it was amazing, but of course I kept my mouth shut. But at least I was thinking the right things! :) He seemed to like me, but I never have faith in the fact that a guy likes me. I usually attribute it to the alcohol, and whether they have liked me or not I rarely ever hear from these guys that I meet so they are only proving my theory. I mean honestly. I haven't said in this in a long time, but I actually hope that he calls. I would like to see him again. If he doesn't call me he is going to get one and only one phone call from me. Sure if nothing comes from any of this I'm going to be disappointed. I haven't actually liked a guy in as long as I can remember so at least I'm progressing in my emotional development! YAY!

Let's hope he calls...if he doesn't he'll get one phone call from me, and if nothing comes of it that will be the end of this situation. There is no sense in dwelling. If someone doesn't like you there is nothing that you can do, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut if it turns out that he isn't interested I am going to find it slightly infuriating because why do you tell someone that and ask for their phone number if you don't. If this situation turns out like that it will only re-inforce what I see as my pattern! But at least I keep trying!

I shall keep you all updated on how this situation progresses, and hopefully the next posting will start out something like this.......So I had this phone call....

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Gilmore Girls-Season Premiere

I'm going to be disucssing the season premiere of Gilmore Girls at length in the following post so in case someone has not yet watched it, and does not want to have it ruined I suggest you make a u-turn right now and proceed to one of the many other interesting and entertaining entries I have below.

This show makes me smile. Plain and simple. A lot of shows are about the gimmick, the premise, the plot. Not this show. This one is about the characters. I would be satisfied to just watch these people interact for an hour, but that is not the case with everyone and thus compelling storylines must be brought to life, and riding on the momentum of the SPECTACULAR fifth season, the sixth season premiere did not disappoint at all! Of course Luke said yes to Lorelai's proposal. Did anyone think that the answers was going to be anything but yes? Maybe there were times when we though Lorelai was just in this for the in the moment thrill of being with Luke, but that was never the case with Luke. The man is head over heels for this woman, and he has been since the show started. Often when characters like this are put together it can not only ruin the chemistry between the characters, but it can throw the entire show off balance. That was soooooooooooo not the case with these two. Their chemistry is as sizzling as ever, and frankly their coupling made the show that much better.

I'm eager to see how this engangement plays out over the course of the season, and I would guess that at some point it's going to be broken, but ultimately I would imagine that these two will end up together. I know there are some diehard Lorelai and Christopher fans out there, and I don't deny that they have a chemistry, but as much as I love and adore David Sutcliffe(I soooooooooooo have a celebrity crush on him), my personal preference is for Luke and Lorelai to make it work. That's not to say I wouldn't mind seeing Loreali conflicted about who she should end up with, and even have Christopher stick around after Lorelai chooses Luke. One final note, well major note at least, on the proposal and engangement. I thought that they handled the fact that Lorealia proposed to Luke so well. It didn't even matter to him that she was the one who, metaphorically at least, got down on one knee. It didn't bother him that is until everyone in town begin to snicker at the notion. But instead of having it play out to be this complex emotional macho issue for him, they played it for the laughs. He got a ring, and still had his moment to shine, but it didn't create some sort of rift. They could have went there, and I'm so glad that they did not because with everything that is going on that is the last thing that they need to be focusing on. Now to have Taylor or Miss Patty mention it every now and then to ruffle Luke's feathers....that I'm ok with!

Rory aggrevates me to no end. First of all just because Logan's dad doesn't think that she can make it as a reporter doesn't mean that it is the end of her career. This is the opinion of ONE MAN! GET A GRIP! People are going to give you negative feedback. Just because one person says that you cannot do something does not mean that you give up on your dream. It also doesn't give you an excuse to go nuts, steal a yacht for a joyride, and then decide that you are going to drop out of Yale. Even if you think you should give up journalisim, that doesn't mean you can't oh...I don't know...pick another MAJOR! All of that being said I like the conflict that this is creating amongst the Gilmore. Emily and Richard finally have a chance to sink their teeth into Rory, and Rory committed the ultimate act of betrayal by running to her grandparents instead of her mother. I must say that Rory is being ridiculous about the whole thing. First of all she has her grandparents tell her mother that she is going to be staying with them because she is too cowardly to do it. She then proceeds to not even attempt to contact her mother, and act as if nothing is really that off between them. basically put a knife in your mother's back, you need to own up to it. She walks around the whole episode as if her mother is not even on her mind. There is a brief moment in the courtroom when she wonders where she is, but it was too littel too late for me. I'm glad the judge put her in her place and gave her 300 hours of community service to be done over 6's only like five hours a day...get a grip Rory, Emily, and Richard.

Lorelai on the other hand acknowledged that she needed to not think about what was going on. It was hard to watch her walk around angry and acting as if she gave up on her daughter, but her reasons made sense. She had to let Rory make her own choices. As much as everyone in that town seems to think that Rory is still a child, she is almost 21 years old and Lorelai can't bail her out of every jam that she finds herself in. That being said, after Lorelai had brought all of Rory's things over to Emily and Richard's, it was good to see her breakdown in Rory's room. Not good in the sense of I enjoyed her pain, but I was glad to see her acknowledge the loss she had experienced. This mother and daughter were best friends, rarely at odds, and now they weren't even speaking. She had put on a facade for so long, and she coudn't hold it any longer. My sympathies definitely lie with Lorelai here.

I can't wait for next week's episode. It looks like a doozy. Lots of fighting between Lorelai and Rory with Luke stuck in the middle! OH MY!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Good Question

While instant message with my friend Fahmina she asked me a question....

"may I just ask why the craziest people in the world insist on setting their sights on you"

I have no idea, but I would love to find out the answer.

Apparenty I Hooked Up with a Hustler-Epilogue

Apparently the happy little new age family that husband, wife, and gay man had created in my apartment complex wasn't so happy after all. You see gay man had been living with husband and wife for two months and hadn't paid them any money for rent or food or anything like that. When gay man finally wrote them a check it turned out that all the checks that he wrote to them bounced. Perhaps bounced is the wrong word. All of the checks that he was writing to them were from a fake bank account. It does not exist. Who does that? Apparently the same type of person who says that they lost their wallet, and then makes husband stay home for two days waiting for Fed Ex to send the wallet only to find out that the wallet was never lost, but instead locked in the glove compartment of gay man's car so that no one would knew that he had his wallet?

Who are these people? The California sun makes these people wacky. Gay man decided that it would be a wonderful idea to go into hiding because not only was he writing bad checks but he was also spreading lots of lies. When speaking to wife he would tell her that they should move away together and leave husband, and when speaking to husband he would tell him that he was in love with him and they should move away together and leave wife. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE? I'm serious. This is the type of stuff that happens on Melrose Place, not in reality. I guess in LA Melrose Place is the reality.

Gay man is now in hiding and no one has seen or heard from him since all of this went down, but husband did inform me of something. All those dates that gay man was going out on apparently were not so much dates.....apparenty he was a hustler. Yes a male prostitute. I hooked up with a gay male prostitute. I suppose I should feel flatterd that he wanted to have sex with me in his time off rather then he was on the job. But's gross. Who knows where he has been? Of all people you would think that he would want to use protection? Hindsight is twenty/twenty, but luckily in this case I don't have to use any hindsight. Go with your gut people. It tends to steer you in the right direction.

Will I ever see gay man again? Who knows? Perhaps I will see him hooking or walking away with a customer? Once again I shudder, but it could have been worse.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Apparently I Hooked Up with a Hustler Part II

When we last left our hero he was turning down narcotics from people that he hadn't even known for five hours. Alcohol not being one of the substances that I turned down I was very drunk so when the suggestion to go to a nearby gay bar for their second happy hour was presented(a place I knew nothing about then, but much about now!) I was all over it. No time like the present to see what the local gay bars were like. To my surprise and delight we were able to walk to this bar. It was very close to our apartment building...which was a good idea because if any one of them had suggestted driving I was going to have to not get in the car with them and hide their keys so that they weren't killing people on the road. These people weren't just a little bit buzzed....they were full on toasted.

Walking to the bar it became more then apparent to me that gay man was putting the moves on me. I'm not exactly quick to figure out when someone is interested in me or wants to talk to me, but when some trashed dude is looking to get up on me I can usually figure that one out. Subtle they are not in that state. I'm not saying that in that state I am subtle in the least, but since the thought to hook up with this guy was the farthest thing from my mind I wasn't exactly putting the moves on him. When we were actually at the bar the evening was fairly uneventful other then the fact that they went to the bathroom multiple times. Let's just say that they weren't using the restrooms for their intended purposes. Each time they went they were kind enough to invite me to go along with them, but once again I had to decline because as I said earlier I do not know these people.

We closed out the bar. An impressive feat one would think, but not so much. The bars here close at 2am......and in New York they close at 4am. That has taken some getting used to. I'm usually not thinking about going home at 2am, but all of a sudden the lights were coming up and they were scurrying us out of the bar. Husband and wife and gay man and I began the journey home, and I was plastered at this point. Why I continued to drink while I was at the bar I am unsure, but I foolishly did. Gay man was hanging all over me as we walked home. His ulterior motives were even more crystal clear then they had been earlier in the evening. Husband and wife then decided that it would be a great idea if we all went to their apartment and had more to drink. At this point nearly all of my judgement had gone out the window and that meant that yes I did go with them to have another drink. The intelligent gay man that I am I proceeded to sip that drink for the rest of the evening. You may be asking yourself how much longer this evening could have lasted? Wife decided that it would be a fabulous idea to watch Moulin Rouge. What I should have done is stood up and gone back to my apartment to sleep on the air mattress that I had in my barren room. Instead I sat there and stared at the screen as Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor wove their hypnotic spell transfixing me in a drunken stupor.

Gay man took this opportunity to lie his head in my lap and occasionally glance up at me with glassy looking eyes that one coud mistake for a longing gaze, but is actually what I now realize to be a longing gaze into nothing brought about from an overindulgence of alcohol.....among other things. I coud recap the entire movie for you, but instead I'm just going to fast forward through all of that becaue I don't think that anyone needs to hear me give a synopsis of Moulin Rouge fabulous as it may be. Husband and wife had fallen asleep on either end of the couch, and I remained in the middle with gay man lying on my head. At this point it is like 6 in the morning or something ridiculous like that. What was I still doing there? I should have just gone to bed, but instead I found a hand on the back of my neck pulling me towards gay man's mouth and the next thing I knew we were making out. This lasted for a few moments when I stopped. Now gay man didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with what we were doing, but I was having issues with it for several reasons. First of all I was uncomfortable. He was lying in my lap and I was like bending down and over to reach his mouth. My back was beginning to hurt. It didn't exactly make me want to continue sucking face with him. Secondly, his roommates were alseep on either side of us, and it is one thing to be drunk in a bar and making out in front of people but it is entirely a different matter when someone is macking on you as their two roommates lay passed out on the couch next to you. They could have woken up at any moment, and that would have just been a bit much. I had literaly met these people hours ago, and now I'm making out on their couch. I don't think so.

There were many moments over the course of this evening that I should have just gone to bed, and I finally seized this moment to stand up and inform gay man that I was going to be heading back to my apartment. The moron that I am, however, I informed him that he was more then welcome to come with me, but I was going to be going to sleep. I'm not sure why I told him that he could come with me, but I did mean it when I said I was would be heading to dreamland. Enough was enough.

Back to my empty apartment we go, and into my bedroom onto my air mattress and of course we start to make out. But Mister Gay Man starts to get a little aggressive with me. Some deep kissing starts to happen, and then he got on top of me, and he started to do that weird thing that guys sometimes do. He was putting his hand around me neck as we were making out. I have had this done to me before, and I don't understand. Are you trying to choke the life out of me? Do you think it makes me hot or something? If anyone reads this and is then in a position to make out with me as we are lying down listen up: don't put your hand around my neck. It makes me think you are psychotic and I start to think of ways that I can escape your death grip and run for my life. Of course gay man wanted to have sex. I have nothing against sex. I like sex. But not everything has to be about sex all the time. Not every encounter needs to lead to that, and I was dead serious when I told him that I wanted to go to sleep. I stressed the point to him, and he still wanted to come with me. Fine. It didn't really matter though because I didn't have any condoms and he didn't seem to have any, and besides the fact that it is just plain stupid to have unprotected sex, let alone with someone you don' know, I'm just too neurotic to take a chance like that.

Do you know what he said to me? He said...."Let's risk it." Let's not. I don't need to have sex with you so badly that I'm going to put my health and safety in danger. Even if I had condoms with me I wouldn't have had sex with him. I got a bit of a skeevy vibe from him, and as we will soon find out I was right on the money with that one. We continued to make out and he continued to try to get me to risk it. I wasn't having any of it, and I think that he was getting frustrated or something because he was getting more aggressive with the making out and I had to physically push him off of me and tell him to calm it down. You may think that you can get me lost in the moment so I will just give into you, but I don't really get into such states of wild abandon that I do something I would never do otherwise. What was his brilliant suggestion as an alternative to having sex? Lie naked next to one another.

Do I have a tattoo on my forehead that says fool? moron? gullible? Did he really believe that I thought he was serious when he said we should just lie naked next to one another? If he did he was the moron, because I was having none of it. Finally I just went to sleep, and he took the cue and did the same. I had to shoo him away when I finally woke up at 1pm. I had things to do. How is he a hustler you may be asking yourself at this very moment?

Your just going to have to wait for the epilogue to this little story. :)

(Fingers crossed that epilogue is the right word I am looking for. I'm like ninety-eight percent sure that it is correct, but there is that small bit of doubt in the back of my head. I shall erase the doubt and embrace my certainity)

Apparently I hooked up with a hustler!

Let me start off by saying that the hook-up was very innocent. We didn't have sex of any variety, there were no fluids(other then saliva-wow that was some intimate detail right there!) exchanged, and at the time of the hook up I had no idea that he was a hustler nor did I have any reason to believe that he was one.

This is actually quite the story that I'm going to tell so I'm going to go all the way back to the beginning, and I may even go beyond the hooking up with a hustler to the other parts of this story. I shall keep certain details masked in the shadows so as not to give away who it is that I'm talking about. I don't want anyone coming after me or anything, but I think that those of you who are reading these posts will appreciate the story as one of the many ridiculous situations that I seem to find myself in time and time again.

Moving to Los Angeles was no easy feat for me, and yet here I am. The first couple of days were quite the adjustment for me because not only was I in a new city in an empty apartment that didn't have cable yet, but I was there alone because my roommates were on the last leg of their cross country road trip to get to LA, and would not be there until the end of the week. Luckily, Emma and Evan had been there for a while so it was not as if I was going to be left wandering the streets of Los Angeles alone and desperate for some human contact. As it turns out I wasn't going to be wandering the cruel streets of the land where the sun never goes away. On my way out of my apartment to go and meet Emma and Evan for dinner I came face to face with my neighbors. I'm not going to give them any other names then married couple and gay man. When referring to the married couple indvidually I will use the terms husband and wife. There were other neighbors in the mix, but for the most part they are inconsequential to the story, but if the need arises to distinguish one of these additional neighbors from the pack then I will name them accordingly. You see the married couple lives with gay man in a two bedroom apartment. Granted I live with a couple in my two bedroom apartment, but it is different because we are in our early twenties(fine twenty-five is like less then a month away and then I'll be at the mid-way point but until then I'm in my early twenties), and are still sort of figuring ourselves out. We're still in the live with friends stage of our life. These three are in their late thirties, and don't seem to have much direction in their life. They looooooooooooooooooooooove to party. I mean these people are hardcore. They spend most of the night partying. I'm talking every night until the sun comes up practically doing any manner of drugs and alcohol. Obviously they don't have jobs, and I have no idea what they do for money. That's not a questions that is appropriate to ask people. But I'm getting ahead of myself a bit. Husband and wife are married, but they don't really seem to have much interest in one another. Frankly, I thought husband was gay when I first met him and I continue that assertion now.(As a side note, husband is a really nice guy and emerges as the true sympathetic hero in this story). Wife likes to spend most of her time at gay bars making out with gay men, and husband goes to the gay bars as well. He seems to love them just as much as wife, but he never hangs out with his wife at the gay bars. They are both there but rarely are they there together. Usually wife is with gay man.

One would think that gay man and the married couple had known each other forever. Keep in mind that I met them in the middle of July. Very important. The middle of July. Husband and wife only met gay man at cinco de mayo. They all started partying together, and since they were having such a good time they thought it would be a great idea if gay man moved in with them. What? I later found out that husband didn't so much think it was a great idea, but wife and gay man loved it. You might be asking yourself where gay man was living before all of this? He had a place and a roommate, and decided to tell his roommate, whom he once described as his best friend, that he was going out of town for a month when he was actually moving in with husband and wife. Not only is that weird, but it is also a terrible way to treat a roommate, let alone someone you describe as your best friend. If he lies with such abandon to his best friend, then what must he be telling be that he barely know or doesn't even like at all?

I met them all and then went to have dinner with Emma and Evan and when I returned they beckoned me up to their apartment to have a drink which of course I did because I went from being a super social person who wouldn't come home till 2am most nights to being someone that knew two people and was going to be in bed by 11:30pm. Having a drink with the neighbors seemed like a great idea. One drink turned into two or three or four....I can't remember exactly how many, and of course they offered me illegal drugs which I politely declined. It was very nice that they wanted to share with me, but I don't know these people or what they are doing with these drugs. Honestly, I don't think I watched them prepare any of my drinks. Foolish mistake number one right there. That all turned out fine, but I'm pretty confident in saying that it's not the best idea to do illegal drugs with people you barely know, let alone trust, not knowing where they got them or knowing anyone in any sort of general vicinity that can come for you in case things took a turn for the worse. I wanted to keep a modicum of sanity about me.

To Be Continued.........


I am sitting here wanting nothing more then to go home. It is not fun having to take an unpaid job in order to get experience in a production company. It is even less fun when they really have nothing for you to do. Sure I answer the occasional phone and copy a script every now and then, but for the most part I don't do anything but surf the internet, chat on the instant messenger, and check my email-constantly....on Tuesdays at least. On Thursdays I usually don't have access to a computer, which is not cute because then I have to come up with ways to entertain myself until 7pm.....let's be honest though, I never actually stay til 7pm because this is an unpaid internship and once 5:30 or 6 rolls around I can no longer take the mind numbing boredom and find some way to get out of here.

Yes, there are worse places that I could be, but being a decent place doing nothing does not make the boredom any less mind-numbing. That is just an FYI for ya. I'm learning something here, though. I'm learning that I'm not the 9 to 5 work in an office type. The wheeling and the dealing of bringing television and movies to life is not a stress that I want in my life. I want to be a writer...this much we all know....but I need to make that happen stat. I can handle the stress of writing and deadlines because that is what I'm good at and that is what I know, but this nonsense of figuring out which phone calls to put through to people and essentially needing to be telepathic to please whomever I am assisting is not a fun job for me. I get nervous, and I'm of course able to mask that but I don't like being nervous all the time. This is all the more motivation to make me write, and get myself successful. Right now, I have decided to concentrate on a novel that I had written an outline for. Of course the main character is a twenty-something gay man...I love making my main characters twenty-something gay men or in the closet seniors in high school....I must just relate so well to these character embodiments.

Thus far I'm liking the progress the novel is taking. No one has read it as of yet, but I am going to wait until it is a little further along before I start soliciting outside opinions. At least the first draft of it must be done, and I only want certain people to read it. You know there are those friends who will tell you that it is great whether it actually is or not. It is a lovely gesture, and well intentioned, but I need some criticism of the constructive variety, and I know just the people to get it from. You may not know who you are, but you will once you get an email from me that says please read my novel and tell me if it is dretch or not!

So I had to take a break from writing the post because there was a bit of excitement going on in the office, and when I say excitement I mean a complete and utter pain in my ass. I shall change the names to protect the innocent. They aren't actually innocent I just don't want someone to stumble upon this blog and find out the trash that I am talking. An unidentified woman called looking for the bigwig of the company who happens to be out of town, I tried to take a message but she just wanted to keep asking me questions about where he was and what he was doing. Lady...he can be reached. I will give his assistant the number. Calm yourself. She then got all agitated when I wouldn't give her his direct line. I don't give things like that out. I have no idea if people want that out there, and I'm not going to have that on my head. She let out a deep sigh when I refused to give out his direct line, obviously to show her frustration with me, but deep sighs are not going to affect me especially since all I have to do is hang up the telephone when the conversation is over.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Is This a Sign?

I recently found out that the Daytime Emmy's are going to be held in LA this April. This is an event that is traditionally held in New York City, but this year, the year that I moved to LA, they are going to be held in LA.

Is this a coincidence? I think not. What it is is a sign that I am destined to work in daytime television and the heavens are only confirming this by having the daytime emmy's moved to California. Now once I am a successful daytime television writer we will of course want them to return to the east coast, because I will most definitely want to work on one of the east coast soaps.

Keep the dream alive! :)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

It's Not That I Want Him to Call

Many posts ago I talked about the very weird forty year old named John who I brought home with me after a drunken evening(more for him then me, but I was sufficienty intoxicated as well) at Fiesta. Let me preface this by saying that I have no real interest in this man, and I'm not sitting at home waiting for him to call me. As a matter of fact I am perfectly fine with the idea that he is never going to call me. I did not waste a moment of sleep on this, but the fact does remain......

That he said over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over how much he liked me. The man would not shutup about it. He just kept talking about it and talking about it and talking about our second date and our third date. I was like reign it in there killer, but he could not get enough of it. He even made a point of getting my phone number so that he could call me.

Did he call me? Of course not. I don't understand why men tell you how much they like you and how much they want to see you again, and then make a point of getting your phone number only to never use it. You never hear from them again. The show of how much you like me is really is. With our without the show I don't want you to call me, but what I want even less is for you to sit there and lie to me. Does that sound appealing to anyone?

So no I don't want John to call me, but I also don't want John to tell me how wonderful I am and how much he likes me and take my phone number and tell me he is going to call me and then have him never call. So listen out there men who are taking phone numbers...don't tell people what you think that they want to hear. If you want to and intend on calling someone then yes by all means take their number. If you just want to makeout with them/have sex/run around the streets drunk then just let that be what it is...don' talk about liking them...don't ask for their number.

Games are bad people. Everyone repeat after me: GAMES ARE BAD!


I'm the only person who moves to Southern California who......

gets sick. I'm talking like in bed for four days, having a fever and unable to move sick. For four days. That was Tuesday to Friday. A week later I am still not feeling well, but I'm able to function. I'm no longer bed ridden which is a good thing, but there is something to be said for being able to lie in bed all day and not feel guilty about it. You can only do that when your sick...or at least I can only do that when I'm sick otherwise I feel very guilty...even if I have nothing to do I feel as if I should be doing something.

Today was unpaid internship fun fun...not. I wanted nothing more then to not go there today, but I realize that it is good for experience and in the long run it is going to help me so I make myself go there, mind you I'm not feeling one hundred percent but I'm well enough to get my ass out of bed and into the place.

I'm not there for thirty minutes when Meredith, one of the assistants, tells me that I sound and look horrible and that she wants to give me vitamins and send me home. Apparently my eyes were glassy. I wanted to pack up my stuff and run out of the door in that instance, but clearer heads prevailed and I realized that I should not jump on the offer. There was nothing really wrong with me, and there may come a time again when I'm actually sick or I don't want to come in for a professional or personal reason. I need to keep those skipping days for times when I'm actually going to need them. You would think that my assertion that I'm fine would be enough to let the subject lie. No no....she was adamant in the fact that I head home. She was convinced I had the ebuonic plague or something. She was also telling me that I might have a sinus infection because it has been so humid lately. Which leads me to another rant.....all of these people in LA complain about the humidity....all the time......and I'm left to ask the question what humidity? Seriously there is not an ounce of moisture in the air, but they run around fanning themselves as if they are walking through a sphere of humidity. They should spend a little time in NY in the middle of August then they certainly won't think that this is humid. There is no humidity matter what they tell you.

I finally got Meredith to agree that I would stay for at least half the day and see how things went. Truth be told as the morning went on I was feeling a bit run down, but it wasn't anything that required me to head home. I busied myself with various projects, and at about 1:45 I was going to head out and get lunch when Meredith suggested that I head home since it had been about half the day. I finally was able to put together why it was that she wanted me to go home so much....and it does make sense. One of the executives of the company just had a baby, and of course that means that her immune system is a bit compromised...if she gets a cold...then the baby gets a cold. Why didn't you just say that from the beginning? That would have made A LOT of sense, and I could have been out of there from like 10am. What is the lesson that we have learned here? Say what you mean bitches...say what you mean.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Damn Direct TV....yes I said damn it.

Soooo....after having Direct TV come and fix my TIVo which had been dropping the satellite signal every three days or so I had believed that it had been fixed and that I could now rest assured that I wasn't going to go out one night and return to find the signal had been lost during an episode of Lost. That would not be a pretty picture. Let me telll you.

Well guess what? Last night the damn TIVO/Direct TV thing still is dropping the satellite signal. This is not acceptable. Once again I have to call this company and have them send someone to come and take a look at it. gRRRRR....and I know that it is someething weird with my box because the direct tv box in the living room is not dropping any signa! Enough is enough! These people need to come and fix this problem once and for all. I'm sick of calling them for this. This is a bunch of damn malarky. That is what it is.

They are getting yet another phone call from me tomorrow. You would think that they would perhaps replace the box, an idea that i loathe because I have to re-set everything but its better then missing one of my shows, instead of putting in new wires or whatever it is that they are doing.

Let's all hope that this is the last time that this must be dealt with. If this happens again I wouldn't want to be around me, and I am me. Everyone take a deep breath, say a little prayer, and hope that this is going to be the last issue that I have with Direct TV. Oh how I miss digital cable!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Prison Break....

The first show of the fall season aired on Monday, but I just got around to watching it today. It's definitley very interesting, and very gripping, but I fear that people are going to get frustrated with it because even in the two hour premiere there was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much going on. This is going to be a very complex, albeit not very realistic, show.

Being the TV pro that I am I was able to follow the ebbs and flow of the storylines, but I can definitely see how people are going to get confused or turned around by the multiple subplots and what seems like never ending introduction of new characters. The previously on that they do before the episode every week is going to have to be pretty good.

All that being said I love me a heavily serialized drama, and so I'm eagerly looking forward to where this show is going to take me. It's a really interesting idea, and I must admit that I love Sara-Wayne Callies who plays the prison doctor. I loved her when she did Tarazan for the WB. That show was not very good, but there was something about her that made me want to watch so I hope that her role continues to expand because she was barely even in the second half of the premiere! I just hope that Fox gives this show a chance to grow because I would hate to not be able to see what the resolution of this show is. Sure you think you know what is going to happen...i mean look at the name of this show....but we live in the television age of twists...there is always a who knows what they have up their sleeve.....but I have a feeling that if this show makes it to a second season that the name Fugitives might be a more appropriate title.

Dropping Bodies to the Beat of Kylie Minogue

All of my neighbors are very nice people. They have been nothing but friendly and welcoming to my roommates and I, but as my landlord likes to put it...they have a tendency to "overindulge". I think we all know what overindulge means.....I love that he used that description so I just could not resist using it either.

They party. A LOT. And they love to play their music. They have a pretty strong stereo so we can always hear the thumpa thumpa in our apartment....they live right above us. But they are very considerate and only have it loud at appropriate times. Never after 10 during the week. Occasionally I can make out what it is that they are playing, and more often then not it is Kylie Minogue. They love them some Kylie Minogue.

The other thing that they seem to love is dropping to the floor. They don't seem to know what it is that I'm talking about, but my two other roommates and I constantly hear it. Every so often we will hear a thump or a crash and it sounds like a dead body hitting the ground. Yes, a dead body my friends. To my knowledge no one has ever died in that apartment but it must be people passing out or something because the boom is too loud to be heavy stomping. People are a dropping.